Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The marketer who dominates the information flow around your topic holds a dominant position in the online market. That's because Google LOVES content-rich websites, and so do potential customers! But be strategic in your use of keywords. Use these SEO content marketing tips. Read More
One of the toughest decisions for a startup is how to price their product or service. The alternatives range from giving it away for free (like Twitter), to pricing based on costs, to charging what the market will bear (premium pricing). The implications of the decision you make are huge, defining Read More
First off, the best thing you could possible wrap your brain around, is that you should stop treating your guest posts as link building! The great and early SEO pioneers used to build links before Google even recognized them as a way to rank web sites. Why? Because links have good uses besides buil Read More
Banner advertising is a powerful method for advertising online that has remained largely unchanged. Other businesses are using the power of banner ads, aren’t you ready to take your share? See what a difference following these three tips can make for your banner ad efforts. For more information abo Read More
Facebook is different from many enterprises in that it throws many servers at a single application rather than dividing up each server into multiple virtual machines. That means it faces a special challenge of knitting the many servers together. But its bandwidth challenge is rooted in fundamental Read More
In this episode of the All About Business Blogging Podcast I answer some questions that came in from my listeners, subscribers and blog reader about getting more comments, creating capture pages, and ping services. Read More
No viral video has ever gone viral with people holding up the product from beginning to end or enumerating the benefits of their products (with the exception of Old Spice but that's another story). Their brands are incidental in the videos, almost accidental. So if you want your video to go viral.. Read More

4 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google Fast

Avatar Posted by gautamhans under Technology
From 5008 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on December 27, 2010 10:12 pm
One of the main concerns of a blogger with a new blog is getting indexed by Google. Here are a 4 ways to get your blog indexed by google and other SEs fast Read More
Avoid newbie traps and save money and time, I wasted a lot of money and a lot of valuable time buying bad products from the internet marketing world Read More

What’s Your Best Customer Service Story?

Avatar Posted by keepupweb under Customer Service
From 5008 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business News on December 30, 2010 2:48 pm
My motivation today for writing this post was partly to not have to think too hard and partly to share an example of a great customer service experience.I’d also like to encourage you to contribute an example of a great customer service experience to Stan Phelps’ “The Purple Goldfish Project: How t Read More

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