Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Today let’s discuss how to measure advertisement effectiveness. For almost two months now I have been sharing with you how to do an advertising plan, insights on certain market segments and even giving out advertising ideas and concepts. However, as in any investment, I am sure you are asking how.. Read More
5 Ways To Madly Increase Business Exposure. In this post I'm going to bring it all together so you can get all the parts of the BlogStars Series. I'm also gonna give you some ways you can increase exposure for your blog or business. Read More
Earlier this year I decided that I had to get a new carry-on luggage bag. The one I had wasn’t holding up well and really didn’t offer much in the way of functionality. So I started doing some research online for a suitable bag that offered the space and features I wanted, but that still looked g Read More
Braintree has an impressive roster of customers - 37signals, Airbnb, github, OpenTable, and more. And that's with a team of under 20 people. That's not why I interviewed CEO Bryan Johnson though. I wanted to learn why their company culture is so unique, why he doesn't hire traditional managers, and Read More

6 Errors To Avoid When Starting An Online Business

Avatar Posted by hishaman under Marketing
From 5012 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on December 30, 2010 5:44 pm
My online business has experienced several ups and downs over the past couple of years and as we wind down to the end of 2010 I thought it would be a good idea to analyze the main errors I made in efforts to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes as well as to gauge if I truly did learn anything. Read More
Surveying your customers is a great way to understand what you're doing right and what you can improve upon. Sometimes organizations are nervous to hear how their customers feel. Without customer feedback, organizations may spend a lot of time, money, and resources making changes to their products, Read More
As the year draws to a close, and I'm looking into ways of improving my readers' experience with my blog, I see that the numbers of those who access it via mobile devices has greatly increased since 2009.

Here's a vivid example: comparing the period of 10/27-12/26/2010 to the same period in 2009 Read More
One of the most commonly voiced secrets of success that business have shared with mover the years is the idea of hiring the right people. But, this no Read More
One way that some of the fastest growing and most profitable companies around keep everyone focused on the growth is by sharing key metrics, including Read More
For some products and services, such as power tools or software, an owner’s manual is a very necessary and accepted part of the deal. But many b Read More

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