Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Blogging is an effective way of generating interest in your business. Blogging is a means to an end and if your blog is not generating revenue directly or indirectly for your business, then you need to make sure you are not losing yourself in it too much at the expense of other sales and marketing Read More
It is easy to assume that because some of us know what SMS is, everyone else does too. If you analyse the last 12 month's search engine data for the keyword "SMS", the most frequent asked question in the US relating to this was "What is SMS?" So here is a brief explanation. Read More
FLASHBACK: 1950s. More doctors smoke Camels than any other brand.

The Present: Is your Marketing message sound? Beneficial? Productive?

Is it time for change in your way of thinking? Read More
The internet has given rise to an information overload; within a few clicks the average surfer can have a world of information right at their fingertips. This endless pool of information... Read More
Social networking is all about connecting and building a community. To me, it’s really no different from socializing in “real life”. Sure, it may be a little more difficult because you can’t hear the person’s tone of voice or see Read More
You and your marketing team come up with what you think is a killer hashtag to try to spread the word about something. (Not sure what a hashtag is? It’s a way that you can, by putting the # sign before a word, make it easy for people see the entire public conversation about a topic on Twitter).

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Direct referrals from customers can be awesome and effective marketing strategy for most of businesses. These provide much lower obtainment cost than what customers acquired from the traditional marketing efforts but with higher rate on conversion. Read More
I decided to take today and work what I like to call a relaxed schedule, thanks to my relaxed schedule today I will be ripping through my 2010 blog recap posts in order to make way for some new ish in 2011. I can’t get going on anymore 2010 recap posts until I take a moment to post the top 15 refe Read More
From a sales point of view, it's easy to understand that Value Is A Mystery, after all the only side of value that we know is what we can do, our products, services, capabilities, reputation, and so forth. But until we know how our customer define value, it's a mystery to us. Sure we can approximat Read More
Starting your business is the beginning of an ongoing adventure. Perhaps the one truly great truth about small business ownership or entrepreneurship is that the effort never ends. For this reason, the roundup below is appropriate both for newer entrepreneurs and for small business owners who have Read More

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