Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Double coupons have their place in the aisle and in the wallet. But when it comes to reaching today’s smart, time-strained shopper, it is the two-for-one force of retailers and CPG companies, partnering to understand the whole of her needs, that delivers the most effective campaigns.

Think about Read More
Do you think your small business has no need for a disaster plan? “I don’t live in earthquake country or flood territory,” you might think. Well, disasters that affect small businesses don’t always have to be natural ones. A burglary, fire or even a major power outage could spell disaster for your Read More

Everyone loves that question!

WHY? has created a famous Japanese management theory called “5Why?”
Developed by Sakichi Toyoda and was later used at Toyota.
BUT: we have a problem!

“Why?” is ambiguous.

It has two very different meanings.
All ambiguous words are potentially a cau Read More
ForeSee Results has just released their 6th annual Holiday Top 40 Online Retail Satisfaction Index, a ranking of the top 40 largest online retailers by revenue, scored on customer satisfaction by nearly 10,000 survey respondents. The “holiday” period is defined here as “the holiday shopping season Read More
The reason 2010 was an amazing year is very simple, in both my personal and professional life (which when you work in a family owned insurance agency are essentially the same thing) I dedicated myself to building meaningful relationships with as many people as I could and learning something new eve Read More
The truth is, when it comes to SEO there’s only so much you can do on your own site. There are some great techniques and strategies to make your website a streamlined, optimized, rankings machine. But eventually there is a glass ceiling for any kind of on-site work. At which point we need to ditch Read More

Top 10 Cloud Applications for Small Business

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Resources
From 5012 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on December 30, 2010 8:19 am
New cloud applications are being introduced on regular basis. There are plenty of alternatives for small business owners to choose. Here are some suggestions. Read More
As the year winds down and you prepare to start anew, focus only on the take-aways from the past year that will support you as you boldly enter a new season of your business and leave everything else behind. Read More
WordPress is so hot right now. It’s the preferred blogging platform and is quickly becoming popular as a full blown CMS solution. One of the things that makes WordPress so popular is their plugin functionality. Webmasters have loads of plugin options to fully customize their site and add more funct Read More
Exchanging money in return for goods and services is ALL about Trust. Four kinds of Trust to be specific. Let’s take them down one by one. Read More

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