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Control Technology Choice, Not Technology Use

Control Technology Choice, Not Technology Use - Avatar Posted by emerald.fortalejo under Technology
From 4950 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on December 22, 2010 12:30 am
Minimal control over technology use is a mantra I’ve been chanting into the blogosphere for a while now. The great majority of people know how to behave, want to do their jobs well, and are predisposed to be helpful to their colleagues. If you believe what’s in your mission statement, empower your Read More
This article will show you how even small businesses with a limited marketing budget can find new customers and build a brand in very cost-effective way. Simply by starting a blog. Read More

Raising Capital

Raising Capital  - Avatar Posted by bea.alonzo under Raising Capital
From 4950 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on December 21, 2010 4:47 pm
Raising and managing capital is a business’ biggest challenge, regardless of its stage of development. Whether you are a tech start-up or a successful business in expansion mode, you can sharpen the focus of your fundraising plan if you first take the time to understand the different stages of deve Read More

TaxProf Blog: What Are Taxes For?

TaxProf Blog: What Are Taxes For? - Avatar Posted by iya.villa under Taxes
From 4950 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on December 24, 2010 4:33 pm
Should the primary purpose of taxation be to support the government or maximize economic growth?
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A look at a great new tool for access quality Canadian B2B leads. See how you pinpoint leads and manage budget and still be able to drive your prospecting activities. Read More
Nowadays, an online marketing plan influence the successfulness of a business on the Internet. The Net marketing is a developing industry, it regularly incorporate changes almost every week, this is the reason why now and then it’s horrifying to draft an online marketing plan. There is a giant cont Read More
It's that time of the week again when we get to learn what we are doing wrong with our blogs and how to fix it. Now that I've done several posts in this series, I can confidently say that most of the blogs I audit have the same issues, more or less. Read More
A few weeks ago I wrote that I didn’t like business writing when I started out. Why? Well, it took me several centuries to write very long white papers, data sheets, and other sales collateral. Strange word ‘collateral’ isn’t it? The main reason we did this was the ‘assumption’ that customers prefe Read More
The Soci­ety for New Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Research Best Prac­tices com­mit­tee has spent a year research­ing cor­po­rate social media poli­cies. The project included gath­er­ing case stud­ies on com­pa­nies’ blog­ging pol­icy devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion for com­pa­nies man­ag­ing inter­nal an Read More
If you're looking for quick tips on how to write better Proposals, then follow these guidelines. Here are seven ways to improve the quality of you Proposals and ensure you win more business. Read More

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