Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In this episode of the All About Business Blogging Podcast I talk about 12 cool (and simple) ways to make your blog sticky. For a few seconds, let's stop talking about getting traffic and let's start talking about making them stay. Read More
I’ve seen senior executives make rookie mistakes. When leaders don't use gestures correctly (if they let their hands hang limply to the side, hide them in pockets or clasp their hands in front of their bodies in the classic "fig leaf” position), it suggests they don't recognize the crucial issues, Read More

Creating an Ideal Client Profile

Creating an Ideal Client Profile - Avatar Posted by OneCoach under Marketing
From 4951 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on December 20, 2010 3:24 am
You want to grow your business, achieve financial freedom and live an extraordinary life. One of the best ways to secure your business success is to secure the ideal clients for your business. Attracting ideal clients will increase your profits in less time because you will be targeting a customer Read More
By popular topic demand, we thought we’d share some holiday party etiquette that is based on experience. After all, us geeks sure know how to party and we’d like to make sure this isn’t you the next day. Read More
As I was hanging up on a call with a new prospect today, the prospect said something that caught me off guard. He said, Dave, I want to thank you for calling me right on time. So few people do that, it's important to me and tells me a little about your professionalism. I really appreciate your resp Read More
By now, we all have heard the statistics about Facebook. In fact, Mark Zuckerburg was just named Man Of The Year, but do you know how to use the power of Facebook to help you get a job and manage your career? Read More
Posterous, the email based blogging tool, has quietly (or not so) built a very large user base. The tool’s popularity I believe is in large part due to how simple it makes it to engage in the act of blogging. Users post content by sending an email . Read More
On the OnStartups blog, the CEO of IDR Solutions shares 7 reasons to work for a big company. Here's our counterpoint - 7 reasons to work for a small business. Read More
12 top notch affiliate marketers give their predictions (35 total!) on what 2011 may bring to affiliate marketing. Read More
Getting your company name and services in front of the eyes of consumers is the best way to get your self known in the marketplace. In fact, that is the whole aim of advertising. Read More

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