Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Quick: Name five people who will mention your name in a conversation today? What will they say? Will it be positive, and accretive to your personal "brand", or will it be negative, and tarnish someone else's perception of you? How do you know?

In careers as in marketing, word of mouth can make a Read More
I am against wholly third party managed Twitter, Facebook and other accounts. Because they simply don’t work as well.

I know. Some of my colleagues in the space are having a heart attack right now. But I don’t care as much about my company’s bottom line as I do the client’s, and the maximum bene Read More
How should you redesign your web site to improve sales?

That's a constant question in your business today. Anyone can build a cheap web site these days, but how can you optimize your website to make more money?

My new service can help you answer these questions with Read More
Hundreds dead! 100s of Millions of dollars in settlements.

It would have cost Ford less than $10 to make the Pinto safe.

Think you don't need to test your product before selling it? Read More

Get On Your Feet and Take Marketing Action

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 4939 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on March 15, 2011 7:35 pm
You can have many ideas, read a lot and network which can help you grow your business. However unless you do take action then results will not appear. I think there are two parts after you have decided on your strategic focus regarding marketing activities to maximise results. Read More
There really is no exact process on how to create great visuals for your ad. If there was, all ads will have great visuals. Sad to say, creating a great visual is as much about natural talent as it is about hard work. It’s like the X-factor we talked about couple of days ago, you either have the ta Read More
This post talks about some lessons learned for KikScore's small business blog that are based upon Charlie Sheen's recent behavior. It is informative and you will get a laugh. Read More
Are you looking to make major changes in your organization? A recent business survey looked at how companies could implement organizational change successfully. Read More

20 Essential Tax Facts for Small Business Owners 

Avatar Posted by ronika under Taxes
From 4939 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on March 16, 2011 1:43 pm
As the income tax filing deadline for the year approaches small business owners and their accountants are starting to feel the pressure. Receipts need to located, invoices entered, bank statements reconciled. Accountants’ offices are littered with shoeboxes and accordion folders while tax return Read More
There are four traits that most successful entrepreneurs have: heart, guts, luck and smarts. And the more I thought about those four traits, the more I kept finding myself obsessed with the idea that heart and luck are the most important by far, and having smarts is a distant fourth to the other th Read More

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