Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Advertising and marketing can be a lucrative field for consultants. To start a profitable advertising agency and succeed in this competitive field, you need to be able to interact well with people and enjoy working with businesses... Read More
Being successful in potty training and business is all about human psychology and influencing people to do what what you want them to do. Here are a few rules of running an online business that we directly applied to potty training. Read More
This is a reprint of a book from Claude C. Hopkins with the name "Scientific Advertising", it tells the reader the most important things about advertising. Read More
Facebook has enabled its users to tag their friends, liked business or brand fan pages, events or groups on comments through the use of “@Mention Feature”. With this latest expansion on comments, it helps users call the attention of their friends on a conversation and allow them to easily cite diff Read More
Ask Mavis - It's Wednesday and I'm back again with our weekly series. This is your opportunity to get your burning questions answered. Fire away, I won't bite! Read More

The New Ad Experience on YouTube

Avatar Posted by JoshRimer under Online Marketing
From 4938 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on March 19, 2011 7:28 pm
It's really interesting to see how times are changing in the advertising world, thanks to YouTube.  Here are some interesting revelations in the analysis of YouTube’s top ten list of the most successful video ads on their website for last year. Read More
I keep hearing about the marketing potential of Google Places, so I thought it best to look into what all the fuss is about. Google seems to be continually innovating and trying new avenues, and in line with their search engine, their foray into the “Google Places” product seems natural. Read More
I never started networking to meeting and event planners thinking there were benefits. I just wanted to give back with my inspirational Derricknyms. Once I learned more about gift bags 3 things came to mind and they were networking opportunities, building relationship and tax exemptions. Read More
Start-ups…notorious little creatures for draining cash reserves, filling you with ambitions to raise capital and spend other peoples money.

The line can become very blurred between wants and needs, especially when you’re all fired up ready to take on the world, and its oh so easy to spend money Read More
In today's SmartBrief On Leadership, they asked, "How closely do you think you will follow your strategic plan this year?" The results were thought provoking. Is this happening in your small business too? Read More

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