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The role of the professional salespeople continues to change, and it continues to require more critical thinking and creativity. In order to succeed in sales, professional salespeople need to be resourceful, and they need to bring their creativity, their imagination, and their ability to identify and manage resources to bear on their prospect and customer’s challenges and opportunities. Read More
Enthusiasm transfers emotion from the salesperson to the prospect, right? Enthusiasm is contagious, yes? Enthusiasm breeds more enthusiasm, correct? Enthusiasm sells, doesn't it? Or does it... Read More
Initiative is the ability to take action proactively. It means taking action before the action is required or necessary. Being a professional in sales requires many attributes, and Initiative is high on that list. It is a defining attribute of professionalism, and it creates opportunities that otherwise wouldn’t exist. Read More
Leads have much more value than most sales reps will acknowledge. They would rather move on to new leads than to the things needed to maximize the opportunity presented by good leads over time. Read More
Yesterday’s post on competitiveness in salespeople brought three comments, all of which require more than a response in the comments section under the original post. Ponder these thoughtful comments. Then act accordingly and fight like Hell. Read More
Think American Idol is just for kids? Think again! Here are three important business lessons you should have learned while watching American Idol. Read More
I have often been an advocate of increasing incentive pay and lowing base pay for salespeople in the B2C space. But increasing the portion of income that can be derived from commission won't work for all types of sellers. Read More
Competitiveness has come to been seen as a negative characteristic. It isn’t. Sales is a zero sum game. The best salespeople have a competitive nature that allows them to believe that they can win and motivates them to take actions in line with those beliefs. Read More
Contrary to some opinions, closed ended questions have value in sales. As with any question, it's more an issue of proper use, at the proper time, for a specific objective. Read More
Sales projections are among the most common challenges for sales people and their managers. Why? What causes these forecasts to be so far off the mark?

Here is a list of 3 steps I take to ensure my projections are accurate… Read More

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