Stillwagon428 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The number of links in to your web site from other sites is a critical factor in improving search engine rankings. Here's how you can help improve your SEO strategy by checking your backlinks easily, quickly (and for free!) on Google and Yahoo. Read More

Small-Business Owners Await New Tax Breaks

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Taxes
From 5644 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 12, 2009 9:36 pm
WITH the economy in terrible shape, owners of small businesses could use a break. The tax code offers many to choose from, including some recent additions, and others may be on the way. Businesses received a batch of concessions late last year, when several measures that expired in 2007 were extended to cover 2008. These include a 20% credit on Read More

7 Great Things You Can Do With Gmail Multiple Inboxes

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Technology
From 5645 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 10, 2009 11:35 pm
Gmail lab feature “Multiple Inboxes” allows you to have more than one 'inbox' in your default Gmail view. You can have up to 5 additional panels and set them to display labels, your starred messages, drafts or any search you want next to your inbox. Here is how to start using Multiple Inboxes and 7 great things you can do with it. Read More

Social Networking or Social Not-working?

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Online Marketing
From 5645 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 10, 2009 11:25 pm
“How do you make sure you're networking, instead of notworking?” I think it's getting harder to know where that line is. With today's social media — especially sites with lots of interactivity and immediate feedback such as Twitter — you can easily get caught up in chatting and surfing. It's a constant mental interruption. Before you know it, you' Read More

Will Twitter Knock Google Off Its Perch?

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Online Marketing
From 5646 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 10, 2009 6:44 pm
Clearly Google is the big competitor of Microsoft in search and though we play in search Google has more to lose. However, this post isn't about my desire to see Microsoft win or Google lose. It's about the changing landscape of the Internet and search. I actually don't think Google has that much to fear from Twitter—at least for some time. Read More
Why is it that some people seem to easily sell tons of stuff, almost effortlessly? And why do some others seem to be doing all the right things, working really hard at it, and not getting the success they want? Frank Kern outlines the three biggest reasons why people don't buy from you in this immensely educational video. Kern nails the true root Read More

How to Defend Your Higher Prices

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Sales
From 5647 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 9, 2009 10:03 pm
During tough economic times, customers go bargain shopping. You have two choices. Compete on price and watch your margins go down the toilet, or defend your prices by showing the customer that buying on the cheap is a false economy. Here's how. Read More

Read Your Reports Every Day

Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Management
From 5648 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 9, 2009 5:36 am
There are three things a CEO must do every day. 1.) Listen to your customers 2.) Talk with your employees 3.) Read Your Reports I've blogged separately about the first one, it's importance and slight priority over talking with your employees. Let's talk about the third one. Read More

Recession Proof Jobs, Santa Claus And The Easter Bunny

Avatar Posted by scottfox under Self-Development
From 5649 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 9, 2009 10:47 pm
The "safe" career options are no longer so safe. This post outlines why blogger/author Jonathan Fields thinks that entrepreneurship can actually be a less risky career choice in today's market. Read More
A forum summary from experts in web applications on how to build trust by designing your web tools, virtual team communications, and customer relations strategies. A must read for business owners building their presence on the web. Read More

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