Thecorneroffice voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Inventor Entrepreneurs May Be The Rare Exception

Inventor Entrepreneurs May Be The Rare Exception - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3613 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on August 16, 2014 6:04 pm
In my experience, inventors and technologists aren’t interested or aren’t very good at building a business, and entrepreneurs aren’t usually good scientists. These people need to find each other, and can jointly make a great team for a new startup. Without the synergy, companies like Apple might ne Read More
In this post, i will be listing out the most effective ways to boost the Alexa ranking of your blog. Alexa traffic rank is simply a measure of a website popularity, compared with other websites. Alexa calculates a website rank by taking into record the number of visitors and pagesviews it receives. Read More
The folks at trackmaven analyzed over 1.5 million Facebook posts from nearly 6,000 brand pages to determine the best ways to engage customers on Facebook. Here's what they found. Read More

Marketing Techniques Every Small Business Should Use

Marketing Techniques Every Small Business Should Use - Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Marketing
From 3615 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on August 16, 2014 2:26 pm
Having the best, most innovative product on the market is not enough to drive traffic to your office or store. It takes a carefully-planned strategy to effectively promote your products or services.
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Spotlight: Black Mermaid Soaps Says Bathing is Beautiful

Spotlight: Black Mermaid Soaps Says Bathing is Beautiful - Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Success Stories
From 3616 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on August 14, 2014 9:12 am
Have you ever had a hobby that you thought just might work as a business? Denise Zannu was once a schoolteacher who simply enjoyed making soap for herself. Now she has a full business with multiple product lines including soap and other bath and body products as well. She’s been in business almost Read More
9 bloggers helped me retire to paradise. Follow these folks to make your blogging dreams come true.
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9 bloggers helped me retire to paradise. Follow these folks to make your blogging dreams come true.
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Small Business marketers: this is one of the most effective, non-spammy SEO techniques I've found for attracting organic traffic (without spending $1 on ads)...

In this article, I give you numbers and a complete breakdown of how you can apply this in YOUR business

Enjoy and let me know what y Read More
Are you building a business to monetize your passion and create the results you’ve always expected? It’s one thing to build a business–but quite another to build a business and live a life that you truly love. And I’ve noticed that a lot of people end up with a business or career they just tolerate Read More
Are you using the power of building powerful partnerships to monetize your passion? Are you creating strategic alliances and real relationships with other centers of influence (COI) to expand your authentic business success? If yes, congratulations! That’s the way to go. If you’re not there yet... Read More

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