Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How many times do we ring 0800 lines and while we battle through the 56 options provided, at some point we hear the glorious Your call is important to us... bla, bla bla? How many take this seriously? If you really mean it though, here're three basic steps: Read More
There’s nearly nothing more effective in creating a sense of trust, validation and confidence in a site, product or shopping platform as a third party endorsement or hearing what others have to say. In a social shopping environment that comes in the form of user reviews, polls, opinions, votes, fe... Read More
If you’re one of the millions of unemployed Americans returning to the workforce after an extended absence, importance of including volunteer experience on your resume can be the one thing that sets you apart from the competition.
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With the number of smartphone users skyrocketing, it's about time your small business looked into creating a mobile web presence and a mobile-optimized website. Read More

Using Tutorials to Gain Big Press Mentions

Using Tutorials to Gain Big Press Mentions - Avatar Posted by CanadianFinance under Marketing
From 4694 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on September 2, 2011 3:52 am
Creating original tutorials, also known as how-to articles, that are in line with your business can get you big press coverage. Read More
This is a great post about 5 common and not so common SEO myths. From description tags and why they are more important now than they were a few years ago to Affiliate links counting as backlinks. Read More
We all love a good disaster story, don't we? But how about a good social media disaster story? Social media can be wonderful but it can also go terribly wrong; whether it's Orangutans getting killed for chocolate or BMW crashing and burning on the Avenue, it's sure to create some negative publicity Read More
Search marketer and blogger Steve Miller reports his impressions of the SEMRush tool. If you want to keep an eye on competitors to develop counter-strategies, SEMRush a tool of worthy of consideration, he concludes. Read More
Bill C-28 will govern just about every commercial electronic message, text or social media message a business sends to its clients or prospective clients. The Act will apply to all communications sent by Canadian companies, to Canadian companies (yes, even by American businesses) or messages simpl Read More
Pierre DeBois, founder of Zimana reviews "The Complete Idiot’s Guide to WordPress" and finds it a good read for blogger across the spectrum. Read More

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