Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Headquartered in Tustin, California, is a new start-up. The company offers a line of stickers that help promote social media profiles offline. Today, I am pleased to feature its creator, Stuart Lawson. Read More
Want to know the secret to getting tons of press without ever writing a press release, doing a pitch, or having a publicity strategy? How is it possible to get the media attention your work deserves without actually making that a primary goal and running around to go get it? Read More

Is Your Home Really Going To Be A Retirement Asset?

Is Your Home Really Going To Be A Retirement Asset? - Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Self-Development
From 4700 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on August 26, 2011 10:19 pm
It is true that your home is likely to be your biggest purchase, but it may not do to rely too heavily on your home’s equity for retirement. Read More
I was deeply touched by the honesty of one of my readers, Jason, when he emailed in from South Korea offering to pay the full amount for one of my books (Drupal 7), he had downloaded for free. Read More
One of the most tried and tested tools in the brand manager’s box of tricks is to associate their product or service with another in order to benefit from the 3rd party’s existing positive branding. Read More
Almost anything can be outsourced these days. But is it a good idea? In some cases, yes. For example, if you want to start a content marketing strategy but have nobody on staff that can write anything worth reading and can’t afford to hire a full time content writer, there is nothing wrong with out Read More
Some small businesses act large - and lose one of their biggest points of differentiation. See how you can use your size to your advantage. Read More
New Bloggers in 2011 have got their job cut out for them! The Internet is a crazy place and there are people out there saying crazy things. Tips for New Bloggers and Webmasters. Read More
Shannon Okey is a knitter determined to share her passion, she bucked a lot of trends and launched her own publishing company. Now the author of nearly a dozen knitting and fiber art books, Shannon continues to inspire other crafters through her online studio, Knitgrrl. Read More
Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone have declared their initial project ever since leaving Twitter: collaboration with Lift, a new application which has been developed to unlock the human potential. Read More

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