Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Intrusive advertising is pretty much hated by consumers world wide and that's what makes social media so popular. Consumers now have the power to make a choice, to listen to peer group recommendations. But do advertising companies really hate consumers?? Let me know what you think! Read More
Indeed, since the President announced that he will lay out a detailed jobs plan after Labor Day, many have begun wondering what he will suggest as possible solutions to a languishing job market. Here's what I think. Read More
Do you have any bad money habits? Sure, we all do. You can change those bad money habits into good money habits by acknowledging your weaknesses and creating a financial plan. Read More

Not Even A PFO Letter

Not Even A PFO Letter	  - Avatar Posted by ResumeBlog under Self-Development
From 4705 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on August 18, 2011 4:45 pm
The economy may be in the toilet, but surprisingly there are still some jobs out there to be had. After the confidence bruising effect of getting zero responses on your job search how do you get back on track? Read More
Update your blog's design: 1-9
Update your blog's content style: 10-20
1. Make Your Blog Sticky:
Provide Next and Previous post buttons to allow people to easily navigate between the posts of your site. Use attractive graphic animations for the buttons for more interest. Read More

7 Tips To Accelerate the Growth of Your Side Business

7 Tips To Accelerate the Growth of Your Side Business - Avatar Posted by SoloBizCoach under Startups
From 4705 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on August 20, 2011 4:01 pm
Learn how to accelerate the growth of your business. These 7 tips will accelerate your business growth. Read More
This article looks at a few steps you can take to get online enquiries and build brand awareness without having a proper website in place. Read More
The Independent Contractor tends to get an bad rap -- most people believe that they would prefer to be known as employees. In spite of this, a very large majority of home-based jobs will require that you apply as an Independent Contractor. While there are a few negatives, there are plenty of positi Read More
Yelp amplifies word-of-mouth marketing and can do so for your small business. People area already reviewing your business, so be there to hear what they say. Read More
If you expect to succeed in the thrill-a-minute, roller coaster ride of a startup, let me assure you it takes more than a good idea, a rich uncle, and luck. In fact, the idea is often the least important part of the equation. Investors tell me that they look at the people first, the business plan s Read More

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