Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In the book, "Sleeping With the Enemy: Coco Chanel's Secret War," American biographer Hal Vaughn claims the French fashion icon was recruited into German intelligence, had a lover who was honored by Hitler and Goebbels during war. Read More
In a somewhat recent Matt Cutts video he goes over some of the objectives of the Panda update and iterations that followed. Then Matt says, “It helps to step into the Google Mindset and how we think about these sorts of things because whenever we’re trying to write the algorithms, whenever we’re tr Read More
The basic principle of the process of strategic marketing is to strategically meet the needs and wishes of existing and potential customers-a great part in this process being played by market research. Read More
Social Media is a HUGE niche. You can't just focus on it - you have to pick an industry, subject, location. You need a USP. Why and how in this post. Read More
If you are working in the same business as I do, you will get used to working with independent contract workers, such as virtual assistants (VAs). Here are some questions you should ask when hiring a virtual assistant. Read More
Leaders aren't born, they're made. Here's how to make yourself with these management techniques and effective leadership theories for business applications. Read More
Megan Auman's Marketing for Makers is am e-course that teaches you how to market your creative work effectively and cohesively. Read More
The riots in London and across the UK shook the country and pointed to some serious social problems. But was it really a social media riot? Was Blackberry really the catalyst or just an easy scapegoat? Read More

The SEO Benefits of Online Publicity

The SEO Benefits of Online Publicity  - Avatar Posted by CanadianFinance under Online Marketing
From 4711 days ago
Made Hot by: alastair on August 16, 2011 8:46 am
As you work to get publicity for your brand, having a mix of sites linking to you not only helps more potential customers find you, it causes search engines to rank your site higher in search results. Read More
How much do you hate spam?? Do you get a lot of it? We see it everywhere but can we be bothered to report it? Not only that, but how do we define spam anyway?? Read More

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