Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Ways To Keep Your Blog Readers Loyal

5 Ways To Keep Your Blog Readers Loyal - Avatar Posted by tnsblog under Marketing
From 4692 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Tribe on September 3, 2011 10:48 pm
There are many factors that contribute to the success and popularity of a blog but the key is to custom tailor your content based on what you know about your readers. Engage your audience, then keep them coming back for more. Read More
Martin Luther King gave the "I have a dream speech not the I have a plan speech" - Simon Sinek. Three examples of how great leaders don't just do things differently, they think differently. Read More

How You Talk About Competitors Speaks Volumes

How You Talk About Competitors Speaks Volumes - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 4692 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on September 5, 2011 3:41 am
Every entrepreneur should spend plenty of time thinking about competitors, and how they relate to your business, but you need to be very careful what you say out loud about them to your team, your investors, and your customers. What you say speaks volumes about how you think about your startup, how Read More
Here is an article which reminds us that 'It's not what you do but the way that you do it' applies as much to social media as anything else. Do you join Facebook or LinkedIn because everyone else is and because the numbers are impressive if not downright scary? Or, do you join for a reason with a g Read More
No matter how big or small your marketing budget is or how many different channels you use, prospective customers are judging you and making decisions based on the information you present to them (or don’t). Here are a collection of quick wins you can apply to your digital marketing today. Read More
You don’t have to be likeable to everyone to be a great entrepreneur, just to the people who count. Of course, we can all point to apparent exceptions, like Ted Turner or Larry Ellison, who are sometimes seen as lions, downright predators, or even jerks. Yet I’m told that even these guys are consid Read More
Google Adsense has announced some changes in the application process. They are expected to protect advertisers as well as publishers. Read More
While most small business owners are satisfied with operating their start-ups within the confinements of their own home, that doesn't mean that they're necessarily comfortable with opening their doors and using their living room to meet with clients, investors and/or customers. Read More
This article is about Time Tracking for small businesses and explains why it is important and how it can help increase your employees productivity.It outlines the major components of time tracking software, and offer specifics on what to look for when choosing a time tracking solution. Read More
Since the first day Andy Bailey hinted that he was working on the release of CommentLuv Premium. This plugin comes with social enticements that will encourage readers to Tweet, Like or give your post a +1 on Google! Read More

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