Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The answer might seem "Yes!" There seems to be a finite limit to the subjects we have to work with...

Find out how Elizabethan-Era English poofy dresses and Bob's Big Boy can help!

A serious, whacky and irreverant look at the question: "Are Business-Bloggers Running Out of Things to Blog About?" Read More
It's the EPITOME of businesses, marketing and advertising gurus everywhere. It's the apex of branding...having a company catchphrase become part of the national lexicon, language and culture.

In 1980s America, two companies hit the JACKPOT thanks to two great catchphrases and two little old ladies Read More
Your business card is often your first impression, so you better make sure that it looks good and impresses the recipient. Here are 6 tips to help you make your business card have a great first impression Read More
There's an old adage that "The Customer Is Always Right!" But, de-facto, that means that we as businesspeople are ALWAYS WRONG!

It's a policy that makes a mockery of us as business-owners, professionals and human-beings! Ir takes away our rights and dignity!

So, what's the answer Read More

Different Types of Bankruptcy-One Chapter at a Time

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Finance
From http://www.goodfinancialcents.com 5180 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on July 29, 2010 5:40 pm
Learn about the different types of bankruptcy, from Chapter 7 to Chapter 11 to Chapter 15. A look at different bankruptcy options for businesses and individuals Read More
Think your boss doesn't know what you're up to and where you are? Guess Again!

And as an employer, here are 5 tools to make sure your employees are where they are and doing what they say they are Read More
Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda spent 29 years of his life thinking WWII was still raging...and he fought on! Perhaps never in modern history has an episode contained so much misinformation, miscommunication and ignorance of "The Writing on the Wall!"

Business lessons from this historical episode abound.. Read More
Some four years ago, I started Bingo Card Creator, a business which sells software to teachers. At the time, my big goal for the future was eventually making perhaps $200 a month, so that I could buy more video games without feeling guilty about it. The business has been successful beyond my wildest expectations and has made it possible to quit my day job at the end of this month. The amount of time I’ve spent on it has fluctuated: the peak was the week I launched (50 hours in 8 days), a very busy week in the last few years spiked up to as many as 20 hours, and the average over the period is (to my best estimate) about 5 hours Read More

How to Price Your Services: Are You Charging Enough?

Avatar Posted by ajayjoya under Products and Services
From http://www.flyteblog.com 5181 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on July 26, 2010 3:58 pm
When I was in college I ran a typing service. This was back when most people wrote rough drafts in longhand and typed the final drafts onto a computer...whic Read More
I promised Susan Oakes a couple of days ago to post this article from a blogger I always enjoy reading, Sonia Simone of Copyblogger, in response to Susan's post "Your Customers Have The Need But Do They Have The Desire?" Check it out on her blog, M4B Marketing, or here at BizSugar posted about four days ago. In the post, in turn a response to another post from Stoney deGeyter of Search Engine Guide, Susan argues that "You need to work out the difference between those customers having a need and those that actually have a desire to take action." Susan is definitely right as far as she goes, but Sonia takes it one step further. Those customers with a "desire to take action" may just be the tip of the iceberg!
Read More

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