Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We have a saying at my company: We like to see managers get "bloodied up a bit” before moving them into more prominent leadership roles. If we believe someone has management potential, we will intentionally put him in a situation where he will encounter extreme conflict, opposition, or just plain ambiguity (which in and of itself can be very stressful) Read More
Nature vs Nurture. The chicken vs the egg. Ali vs Foreman. Yankees vs Red Sox.

And style vs substance. Which is more important in business blogging? Which makes your blog the marketing tool which attracts readers and customers? My answer...which may surprise and appal you.. Read More
Do you have a Content Marketing Strategy? Maybe you should. Content Marketing is a way to think about Social Media as a deliberate branding strategy for your business. Think of it this way: Social Media allows people to share information they care about. Content Marketing is about creating information that people will want to share Read More
If starting a business conjures up visions of spending thousands of dollars on setup costs before you ever open your doors, you’re in for a pleasant surprise Read More
In this post, I will explain how you can use your best content to nurture these early stage leads to the point where they are ready to take the next step in their buying journey – and to take it with your company. Read More
Do you want to get referrals? How about referring others – 5 business cards at a time and one way to do this digitally Read More
Rarely are marketing programs or campaigns perfect. Things always go wrong although the customers may not be aware of it especially as you present a picture of all being well. Having experienced this as a marketer and customer the problem often stems back to the planning and checking the details. Taking a little time upfront can save you lots of problems especially with customer relationships Read More
A new survey released by the National Association of Business Economics shows businesses, in general, added to their payrolls in the second quarter of 2010.

The report showed more than 30% of the businesses surveyed added jobs, while 14% cut their workforce. That's a big change from the second quarter of last year when a mere 6% said they were hiring. Read More

Building Your Brand

Avatar Posted by JackieP under Public Relations
From http://jackiepurnell.com 5179 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on July 27, 2010 7:24 pm
Reach and relationship have become the branding currency of today.
How you communicate your brand to your market will determine your success Read More
Here is two extremely useful Wordpress plugins that you should know about when building your email list! The best popup form to build email list in effectively and and FAST! Some of you give free stuff to do it and some others find some other ways, and this plugin work pretty cool with out even anything to extra to give Read More

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