Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine in the PR industry who was given a large client. She was telling me how she is guiding the client through their foray into social media. As she was talking, naturally I started to check out their company website, blog, Twitter presence, etc. And I had to stop her Read More
This is great information for someone who is trying to get their arms, initially, around the value of their business. Good advice Read More
It can be tempting to move to find a new job, but you should carefully consider your position before taking the plunge. After all, the benefits of staying put may outweigh moving Read More
The idea of going into business with a spouse can sound perfect, after all what can be better than working with your partner in life. But it can be tricky business, we've seen many couples try to be business partners only to find their finances and their relationship can't survive the shift. So to help couples navigate through a husband and wife venture, we have put together some tips to making a spousal business work Read More
Hello I am Ofira, another of Yoni's partners from JobShuk. I've been working with him all day at his home. "Since you vote on BizSugar, why not post an article." Okay Yoni!

Here is a great article and video on making your business Hip-Hop Cool Read More
Hello, I am Shoshana, Yoni's colleague from JobShuk. I have been meeting with Yoni today and he asked 'since you vote on Biz Sugar, why not post something?'

I found this interesting article. Part of business is thinking of new ideas. Here are some inventions that were so obvious they were just waiting to be invented Read More

What Paths Do Your Customers Follow to Take Action?

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5191 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on July 16, 2010 7:10 pm
If you are in retail you can watch customers come into your store, browse, walk around and then come up to the cash register with their purchases.You can also see if they walk in, have a glance around and then walk out. These actions are just as important to know if you have a website. Luckily it is not difficult to track these action paths Read More
As a literary writer myself, I know of a thing called "Writer's High." Endorphins similar to opiates are released from the brain. It's a high!

On blog-vacation now, after only 24 hours, I feel like a "Skid-Row" addict craving the next bottle of cheap wine.. Read More
This is a short interview that describes a lawyer's journey to be an entrepreneur from the Take the Leap Blog Read More

And the Winner of The Biz Sugar Article Contest Is….

Avatar Posted by yoni67 under Success Stories
From http://halva67.wordpress.com 5191 days ago
Made Hot by: Portfolio33 on July 14, 2010 11:10 pm
Recently a decision was made to sponsor a contest on BizSugar. The author of the original article with the most votes would declared the winner...

...And the winner, as decided by you, the discerning BizSugar public is.. Read More

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