Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Is Money Your Only Compensation?

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Employee Benefits
From http://financialhighway.com 5192 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on July 15, 2010 7:53 pm
When you work, you get more than just money for compensation. What is your whole compensation package? Are your employees factoring other forms of compensation into their pay Read More

Bay Area Anarchy?

Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From http://egoist.blogspot.com 5192 days ago
My good friend Carson, who currently resides and works in Silicon Valley, sent along an editorial from Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle advocating political independence for the Bay Area! The thought of the Bay Area governing itself is equally intriguing and hilarious - that's something I would absolutely pay a ticket to see. Most striking, though, may be the measure of social mood this represents, as we're now seeing almost universal disgust with government at many levels - Federal and State, in particular, across the United States Read More

What's the First Thing You Do Every Day?

Avatar Posted by CFOWISE under Management
From http://smallbusiness.aol.com 5192 days ago
Made Hot by: Vincentcromine5 on July 13, 2010 11:35 pm
It's very interesting to compare what you do first to what this list of entrepreneurs does first every day. Bob Parsons is the most interesting - he goes for an 80-100 mile motorcycle ride to clear his head and make a plan for his day Read More
How is your front line staff handling interactions with your valuable clients? Do you know how much they might be costing you in with poor customer service? See how one hotel is potentially missing $33 million in future revenues each year because of poor service Read More
Does your organization carry any of these programs? Sure it does. Does your organization carry all these programs? There's a very good chance. Does your organization have Employee Benefits Liability? You Have No Idea Read More
LSD? You can listen to The Grateful Dead and wear a tie-dyed shirt while writing, but no mind-altering drugs here!

It's a formula I've developed to bring new creativity to your business writing and blogging Read More

Benefits of Having Customers Come Back Time After Time

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From http://www.m4bmarketing.com 5193 days ago
Made Hot by: robbytalley on July 13, 2010 7:11 pm
Repeat customers are so valuable to your business and your bottom line. Yet talking to a number of small businesses over the last couple of weeks many did not know how much of their sales come from repeat customers. A couple did and no surprise their businesses are doing well and their marketing efforts are paying off. Here are 4 benefits you will get by knowing why your customers keep buying Read More
We all look at product reviews. What are some of the red flags you want to look out for either when you shop online or when you are selling online for your small business. This is a excellent short video on the topic Read More
As a small-business owner struggling through a recession that shows almost no signs of letting up anytime soon, the federal government probably isn't the first place you would turn to for marketing advice. But believe it or not, you should. With the U.S. economy still in tatters, you might be surprised to learn that the federal government offers free online tools to help you market and promote your product or service Read More

10 Traits of a Successful Manager

Avatar Posted by ajayjoya under Self-Development
From http://hubpages.com 5193 days ago
Made Hot by: robbytalley on July 13, 2010 7:11 pm
You have a business and you are interested in hiring a manager who will be able to assist you in growing that business from the ground up. When you put out an ad for this position, you receive hundreds of resumes. Even if you narrow this bunch down to just the people who seem most qualified for the job, you're going to have to do quite a few interviews to make sure that you select the manager who is going to be most capable of growing your business. How do you know who that person is Read More

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