Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Habsheim, France. June 26th, 1988. The test-flight of the first fully-automated airliner that removes the "Human-Factor" from the puzzle.

Technology is the force behind modern innovation. But what are the consequences of over-reliance on technology in business? A tragic and chilling demonstration.. Read More
Check out the statistics for yourself in this comprehensive report prepared by Frank N. Magid Associates Inc. sponsored by video site metacafe giving detailed insight into the rapid adoption of video among online users. If you are trying to reach online audiences, video needs to be a part of your marketing campaign. The report provides details statistics worth review by any online marketer or business owner Read More
Simply put, online video is huge and growing more critical to online business everyday. If you want to get attention online and aren't sure what return you can expect, check out this data on the growing popularity of online video and its importance in reaching your online market Read More

How To Integrate Social Media With Your Business Brand

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From http://outspokenmedia.com 5195 days ago
Made Hot by: CFOWISE on July 12, 2010 6:33 pm
Want the "edgy" feel of a social media presence while maintaining total control over your brand image? Want to put yourself out there with a marketing message built on feedback from your customers and a transparent approach to all aspects of your business but aren't prepared to make the substantial changes necessary when your customers tell you you're headed in the wrong direction? That a lesson currently being learned the hard way by the traditional media industry. Social media branding requires a dramatically new approach to your customers and your product Read More
Organizing such a big and successful blogging contest takes a lot of time and effort, here is some thoughts on how to organize successful online contest Read More
Have you ever thought about starting a directory for peers and clients to help refer them? Here is an overview on creating a directory and what to think about when creating one Read More
Cold Stone Creamery is trying to combine social media and franchisee profits to gain market share.. Read More
Basketball is big business. Lebron James leaving Cleveland is major news.This blogger didn't care either way whether or not Lebron James decided to stay in Cleveland, or leave Cleveland. That's because it really doesn't matter all that much. Supposedly, Lebron brought in hundreds of millions of dollars to.. Read More
If there’s one thing not to do online is never plagiarize the works of others because it is far too easy to get caught. Apparently a large government organization fails to abide to the above regulation and rips off the design and artwork of another international organization; Twitter. Read More
Site Overlay in Google Analytics will help you understand where your website visitors are going. Here is a “How to” use Google Analytics Site Overlay video to help out Read More

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