Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Whether you've conducted performance reviews before or not, here are some things to consider so you don't encounter any surprises. It can be more nuanced than you thin Read More
By William Weidendorf...Social Media Marketing is not a quick fix. You have to be vigilant, strategic, and patient. Don't jump on the bandwagon just because everyone else is, and then lose interest quickly. Have a strategy first, do your research, then tackle it with a long term plan Read More
I reviewed Joel's ebook on selecting a franchise. It offers many great ideas and tips to make the research and decision-making process smarter and safer.

Are you a rule follower or a rule maker?  This is one of the questions Joel Libava, known as The Franchise King, and author of How to Carefully Select a Franchise Read More
Stories Make Insurance Real! Otherwise you are just buying a piece of paper and a promise... Stories make Insurance Tangible Read More
Want to know 5 tips for promoting yourself better? The back of your business card is often blank and a waste of a perfect opportunity to promote your company, product or service. How to use 50% of your business card to gain business Read More
I read yesterday that the U.S. Postal Service wants to increase its rates. Not only are they seeking to increase the cost of stamps by 2 cents, but they also want a 5.6% increase in standard mail rates. What justification do they use for these proposed price increases? They need money.. Read More
Everybody has seen Star Wars haven't they? They know the story its mythology and characters. In this funny video animated by Joe Nicolosi he takes the story retold by his friend Amanda who has never seen the movie trilogy and takes it to another place ... far far away.

it may make you think a little about what story people are telling about your brand Read More
I've seen this video scores of times but it never fails to send shivers up my spine.

The lessons are abundant: adversity, striving, being down, cooperation and success. These are principles which we in business can all strive for Read More
I really like Travis' post here. One of the lessons I most appreciated was "Make Your Teammates Better." I view that as a pay-it-forward philosophy and one that I know the MarketingProfessor.com site lives by, too.

From the Post: Lessons are all around us, but sports marketing is particularly intriguing. With LeBron James' free agency, there are some marketing lessons. What say you Read More
We are all familiar with the opening lines of Rudyard Kipling's classic poem, "If=". How long has it been since you read the piece in its entirety? And when was the last time you pondered the wisdom of the master Kipling in defining the qualities requisite to making success in 2010. "If-" was first published 100 years ago, in 1910 (written in 1899, it did not find its way to being published until it was included in Kipling's book, Rewards and Fairies - a collection of poems and short stories.
Take a short break to contemplate the beauty and power of "If-". It may just change how you view your business as well as your own life.. Read More

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