Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Small business growth made simple. If yesterday you said tomorrow make today count with Micro Business Therapy™ No promises. Just result Read More
In the case of a “volunteer” director on a board, can you imagine explaining to your spouse that your family may face the loss of your home, business, savings, etc. when you have been volunteering for a church, service group, social activity, or other worthwhile cause and are named in a lawsuit Read More
I feel we are now going back to our roots more then ever. Since we are starting to come out of the slow down in the economy the customer has changed the way they buy products and who they prefer to do business with. No longer is the cheapest price the right choice when they buy a product and the customer is putting more emphasis on other factors when buying, like the relationship you have with a company. Do you know, like and trust them? Will they side with you if you have a bad experience with them? Then does the company do everything they can to make it better to keep your business? All of this equals the rise again of the small and local business. Read More
Almost all clients buy on benefits. Your clients will imagine the benefits that they will get when they use your product or service, so make sure that you nail these down. Here is a list of 5 tips that you can use to figure out benefits that you can include in your sales letters. Read More
Hi, folks. Put this together as kind of a more in depth exploration of how you go about creating real community on BizSugar or any other social media site you might participate in whether large or small. Thankfully, there are many others among our regular users here at BizSugar who are equally adept at building community through social media so I thought it would be great if everyone could pitch in with some suggestions as I'm sure there are things that could be added here. Besides, getting others' input is what social media is all about, right? Thanks, in advance, for your contributions! You can comment here or on the blog post by following the link. Read More
Pizza Hut employs 3,000 disabled workers and reports turnover is less than 1/5th of other groups!

Marriott Corp. offers an internship for disabled high school students.

Half of the employees at Carolina Fine Snacks are disabled!

Disabled workers are GREAT employees Read More

I Can See Clearly Now

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Self-Development
From http://bloggertone.com 5200 days ago
Made Hot by: argentisgroup on July 7, 2010 8:31 am
We're not talking about half-baked, everything will be all right optimism. It's really about resiliency, a deeper form of optimism Read More
Is everything all shipshape with your current customers? If you are like most of us there are usually a few things that need tidying up. It is easy to get hooked on “get more customers” to make your business succeed. However this is a common trap when marketing your products and services. here are 4 tips to get your house in order Read More

5 Mistakes Web Content Writers Should Avoid

Avatar Posted by ajayjoya under Social Media
From http://blog.limeexchange.com 5200 days ago
Made Hot by: businessavante on July 6, 2010 6:54 pm
Web content writers are always in high demand and play a very important role in online marketing. There is no dearth of jobs for online writers and projects in shape of article writing, blog writing, web content writing, newsletter writing often keep them busy. If you are new to freelance writing profession and want to get repeat businesses from your clients, avoid making some common mistakes Read More

Are Your Numbers as Deceptive as an Eclipse?

Avatar Posted by CFOWISE under Finance
From http://www.cfowise.com 5200 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on July 9, 2010 2:43 pm
What does a lunar eclipse have to do with using your numbers to improve cash flow and profits? Everything, according to this article. Learn why performance, when stacked against comparisons against yourself and competitors, is improved through this often over-looked best practice Read More

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