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A BizSugar Philanthropy Project? Just An Idea…

Avatar Posted by yoni67 under Self-Development
From http://halva67.wordpress.com 5196 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on July 9, 2010 4:53 pm
BizSugar is a COMMUNITY. A wonderful one made up of successful businesspeople. Could we start a project to give something back? An award or scholarship to a struggling entrepreneur? To a needy student? A disabled veteran? The spouse of a slain police officer?

Such a project would instill within us the spirit of giving and the PR for BizSugar could be ENORMOUS! My thoughts in this post.. Read More
A short missive on the impact of the words "good enough". My question to these words are "is it?" - what do you think Read More
The truth is, as social media continues its rise, there have been a rash of posts explaining how the shiny new marketing tactic can be used as a workaround to having your own site. Building a social media presence without a Web site is like getting people hot and bothered over your product and then being too lazy to open the door when they attempt to come in. What was the point Read More
You have poured your heart and soul into helping others; yes clients and customers. But time has passed by. Months? Years?

Is it worth getting/staying in touch?

The following INCREDIBLE video, watched in a business sense, demonstrates the intense POWER of respect, loyalty, allegience and dedication! Enjoy.. Read More
How giddy are you when you see your work, your name, your picture in the printed form? Do get super excited even though you are published online a hundred times over? I do. Why is that? It's because print media still has a bit more leverage than online media that does not require you to have credentials or even know what you are talking about Read More
It's a tough picture to look at. I'll wager that even the toughest, meanest person you know would even be seriously affected by the image above. Maybe, their tear ducts would open up a little. Read More
Conducting market research doesn’t have to blow your budget, nor does it require that you purchase sophisticated market research software. With a little creativity, it’s possible for you to collect market data and develop a competive strategy that opens the doors to new customers in a cost-effective way. Read More
Your small business should reach out for new customers online - the Internet is, indeed, THE gathering place. Find out the trends in people's online activities Read More
An article from three-time entrepreneur Niel Robertson on growing your business by understanding these three graphs - distribution, sigmoid curves and network effects. Read More
The final reminder: the BizSugar Article Contest ends July 15th, so get your best ORIGINAL articles submitted.

Details and prize info inside.

Please don't vote for this article, just read it if you are interested.. Read More

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