Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar


Avatar Posted by lyceum under Taxes
From http://egoist.blogspot.com 5279 days ago
It could be a good idea to discuss the future tax situation on a day like this...

I have listened to Jim Blasingame's interview (Is a VAT tax in the future for the United States?) with Brian M. Carney and I plan to listen to the following podcasts in the near future: Congratulations, it's Tax Freedom Day with Peter Sepp and Jim Blasingame, Why a VAT is a bad idea for America by Jim Blasingame Read More
I love working from home! I feel so lucky that I can have a life that includes working in my pajamas! But working from home can be a blessing and a curse. It takes an incredible work ethic to make yourself do your work when other things try to grab your attention. Read More
How many sales people begin their careers with reasonable product knowledge but little or no training in what this man calls effective cold calling technique? Read More
How long should a blog post be? Or What should be the length of a good blog post? This is one of the most common questions asked when Blog and blogging is discussed. So, with this post, I’m trying to address this common issue. Read More
Internal communications are just as important, if not more so, as external communications. Why? Because a business owner can never fully exert a consistent and strong message externally if their internal communications are not foundationally sound (not to mention poor internal communications can make for a very difficult and 'soap-opera-esque' daily operation). Read More
A recent move initiated by Twitter brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “watch what you say online.” Recently, the Library of Congress signalled to us that the public tweets we have all been creating over the years are important and worthy of preservation. Yes, past tweets will now be viewable for internal library use, non-commercial research and may also be publicly displayed by the library Read More
Brands involved in the outdoor industry have been slow to engage in full scale social media plans. A look at how social media is being used in the industry. Read More
Not sure why your business has not given you positive results? Haven't utilized social media yet as a business weapon? Think again. Read More

Free, an expectation too far?

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Products and Services
From http://bloggertone.com 5280 days ago
Made Hot by: dreamwithdeadline on April 15, 2010 3:48 pm
Free is an effective marketing and sales tool. In the on-line world, have consumers become too expectant for everything to be free? Read More
For most, social media is new and fun. For others, though, social media is old and is falling out of favor. I'm seeing it happen of users who were happy about Read More

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