We Are Both Speaking English, Are We not?

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From http://bloggertone.com 5114 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on July 30, 2010 7:20 pm
Do you ever find yourself explaining something to someone and when you’ve finished speaking they look at you as if you’d just rattled off something in fluent Japanese? So, you start over.. Read More
Nature vs Nurture. The chicken vs the egg. Ali vs Foreman. Yankees vs Red Sox.

And style vs substance. Which is more important in business blogging? Which makes your blog the marketing tool which attracts readers and customers? My answer...which may surprise and appal you.. Read More
English may be the international language of business, but the savvy global business traveler knows that even a basic knowledge of the local language can go a long way in ensuring business success overseas. Although some people who are learning a language for business reasons do opt for classroom training, many others find it difficult to go to regularly scheduled classes or discover that these programs are not targeted to the business person. Read More

80 Plus Suggestions For Motivating Small Business Employees

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Management
From http://www.carolroth.com 5111 days ago
Made Hot by: MarciaB2B on July 29, 2010 10:32 pm
Suggested by BizSugar advisory board member Joel Libava via Facebook, here is a great resource from Carol Roth with more than 80 strategies from many different entrepreneurs. Some of these pieces of advice are bound to contradict one another and not every piece of advice will work for every business...or even every employee for that matter. Incidentally, I first found Carol myself through another BizSugar member Sarah Shaw a.k.a. the Entreprenette. Great resource which I'm hoping everyone here at BizSugar will be sure to check out Read More
We have a saying at my company: We like to see managers get "bloodied up a bit” before moving them into more prominent leadership roles. If we believe someone has management potential, we will intentionally put him in a situation where he will encounter extreme conflict, opposition, or just plain ambiguity (which in and of itself can be very stressful) Read More
In business, when we do something to hurt someone, cause them pain or cause them loss or damage, it is incumbent upon us to recognize what we have done and to mouth those two hardest words in the English language to say, “I’m sorry!”

If not now, when? There is an old adage that "It's never too late."

This story proves it wrong! Read More
Your photos are another marketing tool! Are they giving the message and impression you want them to?

Advice on the subject from a former Department of Motor Vehicle "AXE-MURDERER! Read More
The answer might seem "Yes!" There seems to be a finite limit to the subjects we have to work with...

Find out how Elizabethan-Era English poofy dresses and Bob's Big Boy can help!

A serious, whacky and irreverant look at the question: "Are Business-Bloggers Running Out of Things to Blog About?" Read More
There's an old adage that "The Customer Is Always Right!" But, de-facto, that means that we as businesspeople are ALWAYS WRONG!

It's a policy that makes a mockery of us as business-owners, professionals and human-beings! Ir takes away our rights and dignity!

So, what's the answer Read More
Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda spent 29 years of his life thinking WWII was still raging...and he fought on! Perhaps never in modern history has an episode contained so much misinformation, miscommunication and ignorance of "The Writing on the Wall!"

Business lessons from this historical episode abound.. Read More

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