If you are just plain tired of working so hard, or your startup is not getting the traction you expected, should you shut down cleanly, or just file for bankruptcy and walk away? For those who think that bankruptcy is the easy way out, think again. Bankruptcy should always be the absolutely last re Read More
We’ve created a comprehensive guide to help de-mystify and de-stress the process of starting an Etsy shop. Learn branding basics, how to create listings, product pricing, financial and legal details – even marketing and long-term strategy – everything you need to succeed as an Etsy entrepreneur.
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An all-too-common question I get from startups and small businesses is “Which is the right social media platform for my business?” Is it Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or one of the other 200 active platforms vying for attention these days? The right answer is that not all of these are worth your att Read More
Are you thinking about taking a risk? If so, I dare you to read these extraordinary quotes on risk-taking. And not just taking risks in business...but in anything. Read More
In this age where every person feels the need for a relationship with people they do business with, introverts like me might seem to be at a distinct disadvantage. Most of us just don’t have the urge to proactively get out and talk to new people, face-to-face, online, or through an app. This is equ Read More
This is a amazing resource for those who seek a profitable business idea
It covers almost every home based idea Read More
A big trend in business these days is hiring freelancers or contract personnel for the duration of a project, rather than permanent staff. According to a recent poll, contractors and freelancers could make up half of the American workforce within a decade. Yet I find that few of today’s workers rea Read More

How to Start a Business: A Step-by-Step Complete Guide (2019)

How to Start a Business: A Step-by-Step Complete Guide (2019) - https://www.crowdspring.com Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Startups
From https://www.crowdspring.com 1944 days ago
Made Hot by: peteyb on February 28, 2019 4:09 pm
This is the most complete guide online on how to start a business in 2019. Two-thirds of businesses with employees survive 2 years and about half survive only five years. Businesses that survive and thrive have an unfair advantage. Here's what you need to know...

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If you are looking for funding and customers for your new business, you need to identify your “unique selling proposition” (USP) right up front, in 30 seconds or less, to differentiate yourself in today’s information overload. That may sound obvious, but as a new venture investor, I rarely see it h Read More
Innovation is the key to long-term business success, both in startups as well as established organizations. Yet every business and every entrepreneur I know struggles with this challenge, focused on hiring the right people and implementing the right process. Yet, in my experience the key seems to b Read More

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