Starting a new venture and thriving in today’s economy is hard, but the best have figured out that customers and employees need to feel that you have a sense of purpose, to complement the company’s pursuit of profit. A higher purpose motivates people in a way that financial wins alone never will. F Read More
Small businesses, especially those in the tech industry, need to adapt with the times in order to survive. Audio Den is one business that has done just that. Originally a retail store selling cassette decks and related products, the company now specializes in smart home products and high tech AV eq Read More

4 Startup Mistakes You Should Avoid at Any Cost

Avatar Posted by AngelBiz under Startups
From 2268 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on July 17, 2018 8:59 am
Making a mistake in the startup can cost dearly in terms of lost opportunity.Make sure you avoid making these mistakes at any cost. Read More
Most of the young entrepreneurs I know are classic proof of the old adage that people tend to overestimate what they can do in a short period, and underestimate what they can do over a long period. They become frustrated when they are unable to build their startup in a weekend, and give up way too Read More
Most sites that teach digital business and marketing have absolutist prescriptions.

“You must do this.”

“You must never do that.”

But the web is a complicated place. And rigid, black-and-white advice will only take you so far. This week, we talked about three ways to navigate the subtletie Read More
A guiding principle for startup success, as well as the long-term health of a mature business, is a liberal dose of innovation at the beginning, with additions of the same on a regular basis. Unfortunately, innovation means change, and most business professionals and existing customers, by default, Read More
How building branding awareness leads to business success

Building brand awareness is the measure of how well your audience recognized, desires and trust your product or service.

In order to find out how branding can lead to your business success, you first need to know exactly what brandi Read More
Every entrepreneur knows that good demand generation marketing is the key to growth these days, but very few have the discipline or know-how to measure return in a world of a thousand tools and techniques. Even those things that worked yesterday may not work tomorrow, as the market matures, the cul Read More
As a new business advisor, I often meet aspiring entrepreneurs looking for that magic formula for success. I tell them that success in today’s rapidly changing environment simply means learning and adapting faster than your competitors. There are no static rules, or constant states to strive for. Y Read More

5 Common Legal Mistakes Startups Make (And How to Avoid Them)

Avatar Posted by kimonos under Startups
From 2276 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on July 9, 2018 9:35 am
The world is full of ideas. Especially the business world, where rapidly growing competition has made innovation mandatory at any cost.

Your idea can be a real game-changer, but that doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know how to set it in motion in the right way. If you own a startup, you proba Read More

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