Every entrepreneur I know has their favorite excuse for a previous failure – an investor backed out, the economy took a downturn, or a supplier delivered bad quality. These things outside your control do happen, but based on my years of experience as a startup advisor and angel investor, I still se Read More
Intuitively, many entrepreneurs and businesses believe that the key to faster growth and success is more products, features, and markets. Since we all have limited resources, and can’t add more hours to the day, the result is usually more things done poorly, rather than a few key things done better Read More
In my role as business advisor, I rarely find owners and founders who aren’t working hard, but I often find dedicated people who can’t seem to stay focused. That means they may be killing themselves by working twenty hours a day, multi-tasking between email, their smartphone, and the crisis of the Read More
We are now solidly in the era of big data, where computers are capturing and processing the details of everything we do with all our interconnected devices in real time. Businesses see this as the Holy Grail for finally being able to predict who, where, and when customers will buy their existing so Read More
Fear of success can prevent us from crafting the bold, strategic plans that will grow our businesses. Without realizing it, self-doubt causes us to make weak and safe moves that limit our potential — because we’re unsure if we’re capable of managing a full roster of clients. Read More

How Can I add Value to My Startup during Downtime?

Avatar Posted by andriawhack under Startups
From http://www.instantshift.com 2331 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on May 6, 2018 11:17 am
Entrepreneurs are celebrated as risk takers ready to roll the dice with their passionate, creativity and hard work in support of an idea or startup. People consider them as crazy folk who work for endless hours to get their startup off the ground. The world sees them as Jack-of-all-trades, eager to Read More
Every business owner and startup founder knows they are expected to lead the charge in starting and growing their business. In my experience as a business advisor and mentor, I find that most believe they are doing a convincing job, but in many cases, their key team members are not so sure. In real Read More
It’s difficult to get a new business off the ground. Staying real, and separating fact from fiction can help entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of starting a new business. To help you separate fact from fiction, here’s a look at 8 big startup myths (at the truth behind them). Read More
Every entrepreneur realizes that change is now the norm, and they have to adapt their business quickly to survive and prosper. In fact, the best entrepreneurs seem to see breakthrough changes coming even before they really happen, and are able to turn them into huge new opportunities. In the trade, Read More
When I received a complimentary copy of What You Know About Startups is Wrong by KP Reddy, I was prepared to add it to the stack of books that didn’t offer any new perspective.

Only … I was pleasantly surprised. Read More

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