As dialogs with peers become easier and more trusted via smartphones and the Internet, people are more willing to share their assets with others, and capitalize on the potential for a quick return for very little effort. This new sharing economy is rapidly becoming the new “online shopping” model, Read More

The Best States to Set Up Business in the USA

Avatar Posted by SPCowan under Startups
From 2300 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on June 6, 2018 9:14 pm
When setting up or expanding any business, location is so important. We have compiled a list of the best states in the USA for setting up new businesses. Read More
New entrepreneurs routinely jump into a startup with a full charge of passion and energy, but often find themselves drained of both after a few months by the workload and challenges. As a result, burnout and loss of passion are consistently listed among the top causes of startup failure, according Read More
I started WordStream in my 20s with nothing. Just this month, it was acquired for $150,000,000 by Gannett. Here are my top 4 lessons I learned over the last decade from making a baby unicorn. Read More
Most technical entrepreneurs I know demand the discipline of a product specification or plan, and then assume that their great product will drive a great business. Serious investors, on the other hand, look for a professional business plan or summary first, and hardly ever look at the product plan. Read More

Tips for Going Into Business with a Friend

Avatar Posted by SPCowan under Startups
From 2306 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on June 1, 2018 6:41 pm
Oliver Bell, who co-founded Oliver’s Travels with his best friend, Ravi Sabharwal, shares the perils and pitfalls of going into business with a close friend.  Read More
The last thing a new entrepreneur wants to think about for a new startup is how it will end. Yet one of the first things a potential equity investor asks about is your exit strategy. The answer you give can make or break your ability to get an investment, so you need to have the right answer ready Read More
It’s still popular these days for startup founders to operate in stealth mode, meaning no details about the idea or progress are shared with anyone until the big reveal and rollout. The common reason given is that this prevents any competitor from stealing their idea and beating them to market. In Read More

Is The Party Over for Startup Incubators and Accelerators?

Avatar Posted by mapleleafmark under Startups
From 2320 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on May 18, 2018 8:33 am
In the past few years, there has been a flurry of new incubators and accelerators looking to nurture and grow startups. But are there too many? Read More

How to Build Quality Backlinks

Avatar Posted by Dan_Swords under Startups
From 2321 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on May 17, 2018 11:29 am
Today’s blogging tip will be about backlinks and how to build them.
Keep reading as I cover five different ways to build backlinks to your website. Read More

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