Most entrepreneurs spend far too much time thinking negatively about competitors, and can’t resist making derogatory statements to their own team, to investors, and even to customers. This approach only makes these important constituents question your integrity, intelligence, and your understanding Read More
Sports related injuries can lead to potentially serious damage. But one company, Storelli, is dedicated to finding ways to protect against those injuries effectively. The company has developed a solution that’s been clinically tested to protect against head injuries in soccer. Read more about the c Read More
Crowdfunding has come a long way in the last decade with the Internet and many popular platforms, including IndieGoGo and Kickstarter. In fact, crowdfunding now rivals both venture capital and angel funding as the money source of choice for new entrepreneurs. As a small business advisor, I often re Read More
If you’re considering starting your own business, you owe it to yourself – and your future employees – to ask yourself if you’re cut out to be an entrepreneur. Do you have these seven essential entrepreneurial traits?

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Canada is one of the best countries in the world to start a business. Here are the best and brightest cities in Canada for startups and entrepreneurs. Read More

6 Ways To Start Marketing Before You Have A Product

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2291 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on June 19, 2018 10:03 am
Savvy entrepreneurs start testing their ideas on potential customers even before the concept is fully cooked. They have enough confidence in their ability to deliver that they don’t worry about someone stealing the idea to get there first, and they don’t forget to listen carefully to critical feedb Read More
The sharing economy and online selling platforms have brought about many new opportunities for entrepreneurs and consumers. But it has also led to new opportunities for scammers. Sometimes, spotting a scam can be difficult for an individual. That’s where Fireball Approves comes in.
The company’s o Read More
As a startup investor, I often see business proposals looking for funding that really look like expensive hobbies looking for donations. I recognize that entrepreneurs tend to substitute vision and passion for formal processes, but using no discipline or process in building something new is a sure Read More
Aspiring entrepreneurs who rely only on traditional learning vehicles (teachers, classrooms, and risk-free practice) are doomed to failure in anticipating change today. Either they are never really ready to commit, study an opportunity until it has passed, or fail with tools and techniques from a b Read More
Most companies today claim they are embarked on a transformation to ensure their long-term survival in this era of disruption and rapid change. But in their day-to-day practices, many of their leaders and employees blindly follow the same practices they always have. The results include a rising tid Read More

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