Does Prospect Segmentation Work?

Does Prospect Segmentation Work? - Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From 5724 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 7, 2008 4:58 am
The point being that sending email that lacks relevance is a waste of your time and it can do more harm, than good. By blasting out messages to people who could care less, especially when you really miss the mark, you chance your potential buyers thinking your company is clueless and doesn't care about them. Read More

7 Ways To Get Non-Bank Loans!

7 Ways To Get Non-Bank Loans! - Avatar Posted by Zoomer under Raising Capital
From 5724 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 6, 2008 9:52 pm
From Angels to Microlenders, here are seven ways to secure that all-important loan without going to a bank. Read More

Get gatekeepers on your side — get access to decision makers

Get gatekeepers on your side — get access to decision makers - Avatar Posted by ashlyrevi under Online Marketing
From 5724 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 6, 2008 8:55 pm
This strategy --- of empathizing with the role of another professional, however lower down in the hierarchy --- costs very little but gets you rich returns. Read More
The two day Social Media Smarts workshop in conjunction with the DMA will offer more than enough basic social media tips to share. Here are the top 10 Online Marketing Blog posts according to visitors, post ratings and incoming links for October: Read More

How to Talk with Employees About Tough Times

How to Talk with Employees About Tough Times - Avatar Posted by smallbiztrends under Management
From 5724 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 6, 2008 8:54 pm
In the absence of giving your employees information about the company's condition, their imaginations will kick in -- guaranteed. So nip rumors in the bud and talk with your employees -- here are 5 tips for how to do that. Read More
I keep getting email from people who want to get new businesses off the ground, but don't know where to start. They're overwhelmed, confused, and in a lot of cases ... Read More

Barack Obama The First Social Media President?

Barack Obama The First Social Media President? - Avatar Posted by storyspinner under Online Marketing
From 5723 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 6, 2008 3:12 pm
Barack Obama is the first "Social Media President" in history. He's the first one to understand and harness the power of sharing and communicating through social media platforms to not only get out his message, but to energize a group of Americans into action. Of course it wasn't just Barack alone, it was his campaign team that focused in an Read More
Are you sick of hearing negative things about the economy? You can help change the focus to the positive by sharing good advice with other entrepreneurs, and shift the focus from what's wrong with the economy to the positive grassroots innovation happening in small businesses. Read More

The Power of Microsites To Your Lead Nurturing Program

The Power of Microsites To Your Lead Nurturing Program - Avatar Posted by rupalik under Online Marketing
From 5725 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 6, 2008 5:48 am
Worth article to read!!!! Read More
One of the simplest ways to grow your blog's readership is to leverage other places that you have an online presence. Read More

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