Is Starting a Business Right For You?

Is Starting a Business Right For You? - Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Startups
From 5716 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 11, 2008 3:23 pm
One of the first questions to ask, and the hardest to answer, before starting any business venture is “Is starting a business right for me?” By starting your business after some serious self reflection you'll be getting off on the right foot and giving your business a chance at success from day one. Read More

Online dragon roared .. and sales rose 86%

Online dragon roared .. and sales rose 86% - Avatar Posted by JuliePower under Online Marketing
From 5716 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 11, 2008 8:13 am
Fantastic viral marketing case study (you can show a doubting CFO) with hard facts and results. These savvy marketers created a wave of enthusiasm in a contest involving 31 bloggers over 31 days. It gave sales a big kick in the pants ... Read More

Web 2.0 — What is It and Should You Care? | Novelspot

Web 2.0 — What is It and Should You Care? | Novelspot - Avatar Posted by litekepr under Online Marketing
From 5718 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 11, 2008 7:14 am
Web 2.0 — it isn't as complicated as it sounds and it is very beneficial for you to learn more about it. Let me start by saying that you are probably already using Web 2.0, but you don't know it. Web 2.0 is a term that is being heard more often each day. These are great new options that we have on the internet and they can be very beneficial to yo Read More

Stop letting fear block your success

Stop letting fear block your success - Avatar Posted by Talkofthatown919 under Self-Development
From 5718 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 11, 2008 7:14 am
a brief blog post about how people let fear block them from succeeding in business or whatever they choose to venture into. Read More

Are you putting out fires or creating them?

Are you putting out fires or creating them? - Avatar Posted by Talkofthatown919 under Self-Development
From 5718 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 11, 2008 7:14 am
Speaking on how people do half of what is needed to be done to become successful. The more we tend to do a half way decent job instead of an above and beyond job our results tend to show the quality of our work. A must read Read More

One Simple Secret to Keeping a Customer for Life

One Simple Secret to Keeping a Customer for Life - Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Customer Service
From 5716 days ago
Made Hot by: Bigheights on November 11, 2008 7:10 am
Do you remember your first sale? The first time somebody paid you for your product, service, or information? I sure do, and I bet I'm not alone in getting that giddy feeling when somebody was actually paying me! What a thrill, and my enthusiasm was through the roof. Read More

The Freedom Formula by Christine Klosser - Book-Reviews - Nikki Leigh

The Freedom Formula by Christine Klosser - Book-Reviews - Nikki Leigh - Avatar Posted by litekepr under Management
From 5718 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 11, 2008 2:37 am
This book was written to help entrepreneurs learn how to put soul and a spiritual aspect into their business. The book has repeatedly been an Amazon best seller throughout 2008. - Read the article. Read More
When you hear the term Generation Y, what do you think of? iPods? Instant messaging? Online communities? If so, you're on track. But as a B2B marketer, you should add target market to that list. And if you don't think this demographic is part of your audience, think again. Read More

The Account Quality Score: Money Pit for the Uninformed

The Account Quality Score: Money Pit for the Uninformed - Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From 5719 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 11, 2008 2:36 am
While the principles and advice in that column apply to all of the "big three" search engines, there's one QS factor that's only part of Google AdWords: the Account Quality Score. It affects keyword minimum bids -- the bid prices Google says are the lowest ones Google will accept in order for a keyword to be eligible for ad display. Late last Read More

7 Steps to Writing a Killer Mission Statement

7 Steps to Writing a Killer Mission Statement - Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Strategy
From 5716 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 11, 2008 2:36 am
Every organization whether it be a Fortune 500 company, or a sole proprietor, should have a mission statement. A mission statement defines your reason for being in business. It should encompass your core business objectives, the values of your organization, and your purpose. Below are some tips and examples to help you write a winning mission stat Read More

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