2009 Employer Wage and Hour Outlook: Be Prepared

2009 Employer Wage and Hour Outlook: Be Prepared - http://www.smbtime.com Avatar Posted by MattMcGee under Human Resources
From http://www.smbtime.com 5710 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 14, 2008 2:25 pm
So what is 2009 going to bring? With a new administration on the way in Washington, a lot of people are wondering. And, specifically, around here we've been pondering what this could mean for wage and hour / time and attendance issues. Read More

Google's New Trade Mark Policy May Affect Your Brand

Google's New Trade Mark Policy May Affect Your Brand - http://www.b2bm.biz Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From http://www.b2bm.biz 5710 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 14, 2008 2:24 pm
Google has decided that it will no longer prohibit businesses bidding for keyword searches of trade marks owned by competitors. In effect, a Google search against a household name may result in a rival business topping the results. Trade mark owners, therefore, will have to outbid competitors if they want their ads to be at the top of the search Read More

5 Small Business Website Tips

5 Small Business Website Tips - http://smallbizbee.com Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Online Marketing
From http://smallbizbee.com 5709 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 14, 2008 5:37 am
Spending a lot of time on the internet you see quite a few small business websites. Some are quite good, others come close but miss the mark. These 5 tips for small business websites will not be hard for your business to impliment (if you haven't already) and will help insure your customers have a positive interaction with the virtual you! Read More

Social Media: A Window into the Connected Class

Social Media: A Window into the Connected Class - http://chiefmarketer.com Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From http://chiefmarketer.com 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 13, 2008 11:19 pm
As social media has experienced a meteoric rise, it has given birth to a new form of marketing, social influence marketing, which focuses on engaging consumers on their own terms—what they want, where they want, and in the language and format of their choosing. The question that continues to haunt marketers, though, is what do they want? Read More

Get the Stuck Sale Moving, by Paul Cherry

Get the Stuck Sale Moving, by Paul Cherry - http://www.eyesonsales.com Avatar Posted by DorianKTB under Sales
From http://www.eyesonsales.com 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 13, 2008 11:18 pm
Fence sitters can take up inordinate amounts of a salesperson's time and energy, often with little to show for it. But some of the best customers are also slow to decide, especially in the early stages of a business relationship. Use this three-step approach to sort out real opportunities from dead-enders and get the sales process moving — or fig Read More
Research confirms what you've probably suspected: Buyers are deeply irrational beings. Studies show that even savvy buyers don't always make logical decisions about what they need and what's in their best interests; they often buy with their hearts first and their heads second. Here's how to effectively engage customers on an emotional level. Read More

$12.4 MM for Your Site? 9 Factors for the Major Bankaholic.com payday.

$12.4 MM for Your Site? 9 Factors for the Major Bankaholic.com payday. - http://www.scottfox.com Avatar Posted by scottfox under Startups
From http://www.scottfox.com 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 13, 2008 7:04 pm
1 man website Bankaholic.com recently sold for $12.4 Million dollars cash. Here's how Johns Wu (the guy behind the site) did it. Read More
I had a salesman in a car dealership lie to me once about having an add-on product in stock, because he didn't want the hassle of going to dig the unwieldy item out of the store room. Read More

Small Firms Get Local Loans

Small Firms Get Local Loans - http://online.wsj.com Avatar Posted by morecowbell under Raising Capital
From http://online.wsj.com 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 13, 2008 4:29 pm
Small businesses have been having increasing trouble getting loans as the credit markets have seized up. But some, such as Tio's Mexican, are finding that smaller community banks and credit unions are more open to offering financing. For one thing, many smaller lenders are in relatively strong financial shape because they didn't make the types o Read More

Battle of the Sexes - Social Media Style!

Battle of the Sexes - Social Media Style! - http://smallbizbee.com Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Marketing
From http://smallbizbee.com 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 13, 2008 4:16 pm
We've been talking a lot lately about the role social media is playing in business, and how companies are beginning to leverage a social media presence in order to grow. I thought it would be interesting to see who is killing it more on the social media landscape, men or women? Read More

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