On page 6 they say "Improve the structure of your URLs". The authors point at URLs that have lots of dross like 'mysite.com/folder1/1089257/x1/0000002a.htm' and say that's not user friendly. They're right. What they don't say is that this URL is clearly dynamically generated. No sane human being would create a page address like that. Read More

Guy Kawasaki Tells You How To Be Succesful

Guy Kawasaki Tells You How To Be Succesful - http://www.thebizwebcoach.com Avatar Posted by jimkukral under Success Stories
From http://www.thebizwebcoach.com 5709 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 17, 2008 9:51 am
Guy Kawasaki, best-selling author and former Apple evangelist, talks about how he became successful, and how you can do it too. Read More

Steps to Success with Small Business Marketing

Steps to Success with Small Business Marketing - http://smallbizbee.com Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Marketing
From http://smallbizbee.com 5707 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 17, 2008 7:19 am
Whether you are advertising your small business in print, putting together a small business email marketing campaign, or cross marketing using various media types, working through the steps below will put you on the right path to success, as well as help ensure you get the desired outcomes from your marketing work and dollars. Read More

Singles and Doubles: Using metrics to grow your business

Singles and Doubles: Using metrics to grow your business - http://www.resultsjunkies.com Avatar Posted by resultsjunkies under Resources
From http://www.resultsjunkies.com 5712 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 15, 2008 1:45 am
Don't waste your time or money by searching for home runs. Use the right business metrics to focus your efforts on your business' singles and doubles — this will inevitably improve your odds of knocking one out of the park. Read More
So make the most of business blogging. Follow a few rules and you'll have a business blog that actually helps you grow online: Read More

The Reasons Why SEO Campaigns Fail

The Reasons Why SEO Campaigns Fail - http://seoarticles4u.com Avatar Posted by rupalik under Online Marketing
From http://seoarticles4u.com 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 15, 2008 12:44 am
Most SEO campaigns fall flat on their faces and totally fail to achieve the objectives they were set out to accomplish. Here are the three most common reasons for failure. By studying and understanding them a webmaster can start their next SEO campaign with better odds because they already understand some of the things that commonly tend to go wro Read More

The 3 Fastest Ways to Make Money Online

The 3 Fastest Ways to Make Money Online - http://blog.marketingtips.com Avatar Posted by rupalik under Online Marketing
From http://blog.marketingtips.com 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 15, 2008 12:43 am
It takes time and planning to build and grow your own money-making business on the Internet. But if you want to make money online in a hurry, there are ways you can start padding your wallet quickly — and you don't even need a product of your own to sell. Read More

Building Client Loyalty through Honest Selling & Customer Engagement

Building Client Loyalty through Honest Selling & Customer Engagement - http://www.pbresults.com Avatar Posted by DorianKTB under Customer Service
From http://www.pbresults.com 5711 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 15, 2008 12:41 am
Lots of companies try to unravel the secret of customer loyalty, assuming that when customers leave, it's because they were dissatisfied in some way. But it's not just a matter of satisfying customers: to keep them coming back, you must establish an emotional connection with them, too. Here's how to engage your customers. Read More

The Worst Business Advice of 2008

The Worst Business Advice of 2008 - http://trustedadvisor.com Avatar Posted by d2kd3k under Sales
From http://trustedadvisor.com 5710 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 15, 2008 12:41 am
Trusted relationships make your business run smoother and more profitably--but there's still a lot of business advice out there that boils down to systematically destroying your customers' trust. Which advice do you want to follow? Read More

Use Online Public Relations for Link Marketing

Use Online Public Relations for Link Marketing - http://searchenginewatch.com Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From http://searchenginewatch.com 5709 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 15, 2008 12:38 am
How can your company start to increase its familiarity and trust online? As sales slow and employees have more idle time, utilize that time for online public relations. At the very least, it can help sustain sales over the coming months. Once the economy turns around, you'll have a competitive advantage with better links, better brand image, and Read More

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