Check Your Site Usability With These Fun Tools

Check Your Site Usability With These Fun Tools - Avatar Posted by himangim under Marketing
From 5703 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 21, 2008 5:25 am
Usability (as well as accessibility) is a too broad topic to be discussed in one post of course. Besides, I am no professional web designer or usability professional to offer any expert advice on that. Still I've come across a couple of fun and useful tools that should be shared at SEJ: Read More

Google's New Search-Based Keyword Tool Tells You What Keywords You're Missing

Google's New Search-Based Keyword Tool Tells You What Keywords You're Missing - Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From 5702 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 20, 2008 7:16 am
Beyond the advertisers point of view, you can use this as a nice competitive analysis tool. You can see data about which keywords are relevant to any site on the Internet — so, if you are getting into a new line of business and want keyword data, just plug in the site's domain and click go. Read More
When you write a headline for an online news story, follow three rules: Read More

Quit Being Difficult!

Quit Being Difficult! - Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Customer Service
From 5702 days ago
Made Hot by: Bigheights on November 20, 2008 4:53 am
So what's the number one pet peeve? Businesses who are difficult to do business, especially when I am trying to PAY them! This is absolutely inexcusable, and I see it all the time. What do I mean by being difficult? Let me give you an example: Read More

Virtual and Physical Social Networking - A Web of Connections!

Virtual and Physical Social Networking - A Web of Connections! - Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Online Marketing
From 5703 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 20, 2008 2:50 am
I've been thinking a lot lately about the importance of networking, and what impact leveraging your small business networks has on your business. Darren Rowse @ put together a great post (and nice graphic) detailing what makes up his social media network at Problogger, which looked something like this... Read More

Do's & Don'ts - Word of Mouth Marketing

Do's & Don'ts - Word of Mouth Marketing - Avatar Posted by smallbizbee under Marketing
From 5703 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 20, 2008 1:50 am
How would you and your business like some free marketing? If this economy has you in a cost cutting frame of mind, you have something in common with the rest of us small business owners. You're probably mulling over the dilemma of how to get more advertising, for less money, and still grow your customer base. Word of mouth marketing is the answer Read More

A few SEO tips that you must know to increase traffic on your website

A few SEO tips that you must know to increase traffic on your website - Avatar Posted by rupalik under Online Marketing
From 5703 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 19, 2008 4:36 pm
If you are a sea website content writer and would like to produce traffic for your website or blog, you have got to begin studying on the subject of search engine optimization (SEO). Why - For the reason that struggle is severe than ever regarding promoting your website online. Read More

Expanding the Reach, Not the Labor, of Online Ads

Expanding the Reach, Not the Labor, of Online Ads - Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From 5704 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 19, 2008 10:26 am
In the ongoing effort to achieve relevance in online advertising, marketers increasingly use combinations of ad exchanges and networks to gain the most efficient and successful audience targeting and reach. But innovation is opening up new pricing models and value added services. Read More

Top Content Marketing Blogs from Junta42 | Online Marketing Blog

Top Content Marketing Blogs from Junta42 | Online Marketing Blog - Avatar Posted by himangim under Online Marketing
From 5704 days ago
Made Hot by: on November 18, 2008 6:49 pm
Over at Junta42 Joe Pulizzi has announced the quarterly update of his Junta42 list of content marketing blogs. I'm happy to say Online Marketing Blog was again included in the list. This time in a slightly improved position as you can see below. I must say, being included on a list with Brian Clark, Jeremiah Owyang, Brian Solis and David Meerman S Read More
Want to get more customers to your web site? Best-selling author, Scott Fox, lays out his "Distributed Engagement" theory of online marketing that can boost your sales. Learn why you should reach out to customers online where they already are - Facebook, Message Boards, Online Communities, Twitter - instead of hoping and waiting for them to Read More

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