5 Sizzling Tips to Fire Up Your Marketing

Avatar Posted by himangim under Online Marketing
From http://wordsforhirellc.com 5817 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 20, 2008 9:31 pm
Have you heard the expression “All sizzle and no steak?” It is an old saying that means lots of flash or style but no substance. Sales people are admonished to sell the sizzle not the steak! However, in business, sizzle may attract initial interest but you have to back it up with steak or you will not be able to keep your customers at the dinner Read More

The Secret to Online Marketing in the 21st Century

Avatar Posted by mona19 under Online Marketing
From http://contentmarketingtoday.com 5815 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 20, 2008 9:30 pm
Content marketing is the art of understanding exactly what buyers need to know and delivering it to them in a relevant and compelling way. This extends way beyond product information into the realm of best practices, case studies, success stories, and more. Read More

Making the Most of Your Local Search Marketing Dollars

Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From http://searchenginewatch.com 5815 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 20, 2008 9:02 pm
As the financial world imploded last week (my 401k is now a 200.5k), I sat in Florida at my company's client summit listening to industry experts and national advertisers trading best practices and tactics for prospering in an increasingly complex local media world. Read More

King of the Online Jungle:Famous-Entrepreneurs - Jeff Bezos

Avatar Posted by Abbey under Success Stories
From http://www.evancarmichael.com 5817 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 20, 2008 6:38 pm
Lessons for Entrepreneurs.. Read More

The Economy, Budgets and Mid-Funnel Opportunity

Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From http://blog.reachforce.com 5817 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 20, 2008 6:31 pm
It's the perfect storm — tough economic times — budget scrutiny — the Q4 numbers chase — budget planning for 2009. As Reachforce CEO Suaad Sait says, this Fall is a marketers 'oh-crap' moment when we start asking ourselves if there is enough fuel (or money to provide the fuel) in the lead generation engine to fulfill current year sales needs and f Read More

Content Promotion for Link Marketing

Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From http://searchenginewatch.com 5817 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 20, 2008 6:25 pm
Your content is great and deserving of links. The problem? No one knows about it. Let's explore some often overlooked methods to promote your content for exposure, traffic, and link building. I commonly hear from people that their site has great content and others should be linking to it, but it isn't happening. Why? First, the Web already has Read More

What Now? Build Your Brand

Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From http://altitudebranding.com 5818 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 20, 2008 6:24 pm
Building your brand has both short and long term effects. In the short term, you'll forge stronger relationships with the people that know you and love you. In the long term, you'll have a healthier, more focused brand and be better equipped to take advantage when the economy turns upward again (and yes, it will). Read More

Optimize All Your Web Pages for Niche Searchers Seeking Relevant Results

Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From http://www.marketingsherpa.com 5818 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 20, 2008 6:22 pm
Niche searchers dig deeper on the Web to find landing pages with the most relevant results. Use long-phrase searches from your log files to optimize results for any search. Read More

Blog Action Day - One Issue, Thousands of Voices

Avatar Posted by Chad under News
From http://www.paysimple.com 5819 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 20, 2008 5:41 pm
Taking the idea that the sum is greater than the parts, I wanted to profile one of my favorite non-partisan organizations, The ONE Campaign, to show how anyone can get involved by contributing only their voice to help eradicate global hunger and poverty. Read More

Checking facts: Will Obama raise small biz taxes?

Avatar Posted by Becky under News
From http://money.cnn.com 5817 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 20, 2008 7:02 am
In speech after speech, presidential candidate John McCain hammers on the claim that his rival Barack Obama will raise taxes on many small businesses. Should small business owners fear for their wallets if Obama is elected? Read More

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