At the DMA08 conference in Las Vegas this week, the “Search Engine Experience” panel on Tuesday was presented with a number of site reviews which are great sessions because the audience gets free SEO consulting advice and speakers get to demonstrate their expertise. Read More

Landing Page Optimization: Guessing vs. Testing

Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From 5819 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 19, 2008 4:44 am
You can, within the limits of ethics and accuracy, represent yourself any way that you want on the Internet. Your landing page isn't written on stone tablets; it's the most ethereal of objects -- a set of bits that reside on a computer hard disk and are accessible to the world. Read More

Are the Four Ps of Marketing Dead?

Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From 5819 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 19, 2008 4:44 am
Inbound marketing refers to permission-based marketing strategies (e.g. blogging, social networking, search engine optimization) in which you connect with consumers online when they are actively looking for what you offer. The result is a more measurable, efficient and effective lead-generation system, powered by social media relationships, Web Read More

15 Marketing Tips to Increase Your Profits

Avatar Posted by rupalik under Marketing
From 5819 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 17, 2008 2:18 pm
Here are 15 marketing tips to increase your profits... Read More

Unique and Crazy Way To Get Website Traffic From Traffic

Avatar Posted by rupalik under Online Marketing
From 5820 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 17, 2008 2:18 pm
Want to learn a new and unique way to get website traffic? Did you know that off-line advertising can bring in just as much and maybe even more website traffic to your site. By being a little creative, you can bring in massive traffic to your web page with very little money. Read More
There is start-up and expansion capital available to veterans through the little known, Patriot Express Loan. Club E and the eFactory, created by serial entrepreneur Peter J. Burns, III will host the unique program of pairing eligible veterans with select entrepreneurial ventures from the ranks of Club E to successfully fund and launch new enterpri Read More

45 Rules for Creating a Great Logo Design

Avatar Posted by himangim under Online Marketing
From 5819 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 17, 2008 2:17 pm
1. Do not use more than three colors. 2. Get rid of everything that is not absolutely necessary. 3. Type must be easy enough for your grandma to read. Read More

How To Sell MORE During the Meltdown

Avatar Posted by morecowbell under Sales
From 5818 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 17, 2008 2:16 pm
When times are good, anybody can sell. It's at times like this that you find out if you're really a sales professional— or just an order taker. Here's the good news. Chances are your competitor — the sales guy down the street — is obsessing about the economy when he should be out selling. So that means that you've just been handed an incre Read More

The FDIC's Pro-Small Business Move

Avatar Posted by BizBox under Finance
From 5819 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 17, 2008 1:19 pm
Slate's BizBox reports on the FDIC's decision to insure all the money in all non-interest-bearing bank accounts: a boon to small businesses. Read More

What is an Internet Entrepreneur ?

Avatar Posted by coriewallace under Finance
From 5821 days ago
Made Hot by: on October 17, 2008 8:58 am
What makes an Entrepreneur tick? Written by up and coming Internet Entrepreneur Corie Wallace, this unique perspective is about the maverick, the risk taker that is the Entrepreneur and how they are vital to free enterprise. Read More

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