Customers that visit your website are doing so because they are clearly interested in learning more about your business. If you have daily and weekly specials and events like happy hours, lunch / dinner specials, trivia nights, live music, sales and other promotional events, it’s important you kee Read More
You might be surprised to know that some Marketing techniques which have been around for decades are still garnering great results for companies around the world. Read More
Got a question recently from a subscriber about guarantees... "I'm in two minds about how long I should make the guarantee for my product. Read More
Email has become one of the best marketing tools, but it's a big flop if you can't get your recipients to open the mail! Here are some tips. Read More
I'll be honest... I'm not much of a boxing fan. Probably the only exception to this would be the Rocky movies. Read More
There's a seven letter word that I want to focus on today. EMOTION. If there was a single principle that I recommend you learn to help you write better copy, then this is it. Read More
Lead list looking a little stale? Increase the number and quality of your leads by giving speeches in front of target audiences. Read More
5 Outrageous Misconceptions About MCA Motor Club of America. Watch this video to find out realistic information about MCA without the hype. Read More
You can never learn enough about marketing. Even a travel to the local barber shop can teach you a lot of things. Here are some marketing lessons from a local barber shop. Read More
Listen up... Today I've got a quick question for you. What is the most important part of writing copy? a) the actual writing itself or b) gathering all the relevant facts Read More

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