Last week I had the pleasure of buying a brand new car. My second new car is a nice four door red Suzuki, and we were happy customers while driving home from the dealer. Read More
Ah, if only it was this easy. You see loads of business owners that need sales copy written placing ads at places such as, and etc. Read More
In order to get your business up and running in the right direction, writing relevant sales copy is one of the biggest defining factors in the earning potential of most businesses. Read More
I was reading today that Germany have just officially banned a word that is 63 letters long. Yes I'm serious. 63 letters. Read More
One of my all time favourites is the legendary Clint Eastwood. In his prime he was a well oiled machine. Big, strong and full of attitude. As marketers we can all take a leaf out of big Clint's book. Read More
You're a new copywriter. Congratulations.

Writing copy is a lot of fun, and it can be very lucrative too. Read More
Today I rang my bank to close a credit card of mine that was costing me a fortune in interest every month. The lady that answered the phone was a trained professional, and she tried her very best to talk me into keeping the card. Read More
We know that the measure of a sales letter's success is a high response rate - whether it's getting prospects to buy something you're selling or join your email list. Read More
Let me make myself clear at the beginning itself that freelancers do not just mean freelance writers in this post. The secrets that you are about to read have been shared by top freelancers who belong to diverse fields like website designing, app creation, engineering and of course freelance writin Read More
It’s a staple of sales training but it’s true over email, as well.

Don’t send emails out to your list unless they work to convert your email subscribers into customers. If you don’t offer your email subscribers a way to buy your products or services, you’re just sending them an invitation to uns Read More

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