Some faces may not be good for your blog. They may just lay a bad impression on your blog's reputation. check this out for details Read More
One of the biggest mistakes a lot of marketers make is to be too conservative. They don't want to upset anybody. The don't want to be getting hate mail. They don't want to cause any trouble. Read More
A guide on how to promote and sell digital products online. Includes a number of useful resources and examples of sites that are doing it right Read More
Sometimes a copywriter it can be tough work being a copywriter... One misconception that a lot of people have about hiring a copywriter, is that a fantastic sales letter can work miracles, and make anything sell like hotcakes. Read More
Most people online try to sell things is through manipulation. Call it what you like. Black hat tactics, knowing how to close, power selling, NLP, mind tricks... Read More
Probably the most painful part of writing copy is the editing process. You have poured all your ideas out onto the screen. And now it is time to clean it up and make it sound professional. Read More
Despite the rapid advancement in mobile phone technology, there has been one constant - It's an 'app' that comes pre-installed on all handsets and remains the second most-used application behind calls: SMS text messaging. Read More
As smartphone proliferation continues to impact the pockets of both young and old, the sheer amount of mobile users means that spammers have a wider audience to attempt to connect with. How do you separate your SMS communications from becoming spam? Read More
I had a client last week that sent me the following message: I was expecting, it re-written to a higher standard than what i have achieved as I'm not a copywriter, if someone hired me to clean a toilet, they don't show me how to do it, i walk in and show them how it's done, can tell them why it's d Read More
Using a cloud-based CRM solution gives you the tools to segment your data and target your customer base with marketing materials that are timely and interesting to the consumers, instead of firing out a generic template that will not be relevant to large sections of your clientele. Read More

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