Lone Ranger & Superman are back AGAIN. Why, because they work and are continually reinventing themselves. Direct Mail Marketing Sells Books Read More
There is no better audience to market an event to than a captive one. Promoting an event using email marketing is in essence a simple task - but it is using email marketing efficiently and intelligently that is the tricky part. Read More
Writing a good sales letter that people are going to read is not easy. It can drive you around the bend and send you crazy, and make you tear your hair out. Read More
If you answer yes to just one of these seven questions, I can pretty much guarantee you're missing one of your most productive marketing tools. Read More
Hometown support can keep your small business going through difficult times, and can be beneficial to your community. The people who live in your town aren’t Read More
So, recently I have been re-reading the classic self help book Think & Grow Rich, written by Napoleon Hill. This book is known as being the book that has inspired more millionaires than any other book in history. Read More
Direct mail is one of those mediums that is typically overlooked in the age of the almighty Internet and that’s OK with the relatively few of us still using it with great results. Here are 7 reasons you might want to consider joining the ranks of smart marketers using direct mail. Read More
Over the last five years or so attraction marketing has been all the rage online. All the so called gurus are telling everybody to create loads of really useful content to ATTRACT as many people as possible into your circle of influence. Read More
Copywriting is a manner of promoting products, services, ideas or even personalities to the public through the use of words. A good copy has a textual style and content that can effectively sway people's opinions about the object that the copy is intended for. Read More
Last week I had the pleasure of buying a brand new car. My second new car is a nice four door red Suzuki, and we were happy customers while driving home from the dealer. Read More

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