Your grade point average gives you a record of how well you are doing in your class. Here is how to calculate your GPA. Read More
Applicant Tracking System can be used by the organizations for a variety of purposes like posting openings on sites, requisition tracking, customizing input forms, screening the questions, automatically ranking of resumes and multilingual capabilities.
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Employee Retention means strategizing to ensure that such employees do not leave the organization.

The question faced by many organizations is, whether it is beneficial or not? The answer to that can be found in the reason why employee is leaving the organization. Read More
Instead of repeatedly looking for new staff, it can be more beneficial to motivate your employees and retain their loyalty. Here is now Read More
An employee handbook is a book provided to the new employee which comprises a set of instructions and policies when employed in an organization.

The employee handbook is also termed as an employee manual, employee policy manual, and sometimes employee procedure manuals. Be it named any, as a new Read More
In an industry as expansive and ingrained as the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry, it can be a challenge to see how it has grown and evolved over the years. Or how specialized and specific jobs like Ruby on Rails (RoR) developers and Ruby developer factor in the industry. Read More
Studying abroad comes with life-altering benefits that have the power to change the course of a life. Here are some reasons how studying internationally can improve the quality and outcome of your life. Read More
Office hours means some nice cup of coffee and a plate of calorific snacks during breaks with co-workers or visiting the nearby Dhaba to have some sumptuous meal laden with a high amount of cholesterol. Read More
The hidden workforce or untapped talent is defined as the manpower and resources that are already present in the economy which is necessary for the success of the organization. Failure to successfully extract such resources leads to a decline in the productivity of the organization. Read More
With the increase in globalization, all the companies are striving to reach as many remote and interior places as possible for their future expansion in the global market. And since they need to promote their business all over the place, the role of the bilingual employees is found to be crucial in Read More

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