Recruitment industry is transforming as it has integrated big data recruitment into its recruiting efforts. With an innumerable number of job hunters and job openings, manually selecting resumes, shortlisting candidates, and calling them for the interview is almost impossible. Read More
Human resources department is an important part of any organization. HR department has various important roles which work for the benefit and growth of any organization. Therefore, it requires people with immense efficiency who have an understanding of what a company requires and how it functions. Read More
Onboarding doesn't have to be a difficult process. We share four tips to make the remote onboarding process a breeze for everyone. Read More
Recruitment is a process where there is no scope of mistakes. For this reason, companies assign expert hiring managers to help them find the best talent in the industry. When a decision has to be made in any part of the business structure, it is ideal to use data and recruitment analytics. Using su Read More
You’ve got a new application underway. You need to map out some kind of testing schedule. Karen Heyman collected advice from the experts about how to do it.
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The common perception in the world of the security system is that hire the hacker who has broken the security because he knows the flaws of your system and can do a better job than your team of software engineers, and yes it is true. Read More
Group interview is one of the interviewing techniques for the recruitment program. Its efficiency depends and varies according to the requirement. However, there are several ways to conduct group interviews and recruit employees. Read More
The following tips and techniques will help your company become a more attractive proposition for prospective candidates. Read More
A job posting can be defined as an official advertisement regarding a job opening or vacancy within a company that is created by the employer, human resources or a recruiter to alert current employees or job seekers in the business market.

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If standardized tests are used in the field of education to assess the students’ performances in various dimensions, the Psychometric tests are used for determining the emotional and intellectual abilities of the candidates. Read More

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