Many business professionals, whether they charge hourly or by project, want a more efficient and accurate method to track and bill time. This is especially important when you are on the go as you may not have access to your time tracking software. The iphone has been a boon in this regards in that it provides a plethora of time tracking apps. The problem, of course, is that finding the right app can be an overwhelming and confusing process. I have selected 3 popular apps, all under $10, for review Read More
Have your sales dropped? Are you struggling to get new customers? Do you think it’s tougher to sell for a small business than it’s ever been before? In some ways it is. In other ways, it has never been easier. Check out these Top 3 Tips Read More
Social networking platforms, like Facebook, are taking over the Internet. Should you scrap your company website and focus solely on Facebook marketing? Many businesses across North America are straying farther and farther from traditional websites, toward social media Read More
The first question most people seem to ask when contemplating a new startup is where they will get the money. That’s certainly a valid question, but all the money in the world won’t make your business a success if you hate what you are doing, and you aren’t prepared to do the job. I suggest that there are several other questions even more important than the money one Read More
A recent discussion and a post shared on Bizsugar brought up the issue of increasing blog comments by creating a DoFollow blog. Prompted by that discussion, this article considers nofollow use on blogs. Is DoFollow really the way you want to go to increase blog comments? and what issues should you be aware of surrounding rel=nofollow and comments Read More
Interview with David Meerman Scott, co-author of Marketing Lessons From The Grateful Dead, on why and how you should market your business like one of the most iconic bands of all time. Read More
Small business owners often dedicated the majority of their time in ensuring that their business succeeds. They nurture their business carefully with each step but unfortunately very few start up businesses make it beyond their 3rd year. Failure is usually down to a number of clearly identifiable mistakes, which if small business owners are aware of, can increase their chances of survival.
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After a wait of almost 9 months — gestation I figure, Google has today launched their own RealTime search index and it’s LIVE and up for our use! And us Canucks are included!

Go to this link here — – to get a first look at same….and I’ll run thru some of the features here for your edification…. Read More
Do you own a retail store or work for a retail location? Have you ever thought about going on line and broadening your sales reach? It’s not that tough, here’s an article on how to Read More
Your eNewsletter is a valuable asset to your business. Are you getting as much benefit from it as possible? Read this post for some ideas on how you can get even more value from your email marketing campaign Read More

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