In our creative endeavors, it’s hard to believe that we absolutely need a schedule or some sort of system to do our best work. After all, Pablo Picasso got to work on his own schedule and he did just fine Read More
An Article that presents common problems in intellectual property of written articles in the web. This also presents recommendations on how to address these common problems Read More
Great ideas are not sufficient, it has to go through the whole organization, people has to buy into the idea and make their own.

"A successful product or service has to navigate a complex terrain of hurdles, constraints, technologies, and opportunities. There are myriad market forces, fundamental needs, competitive strategies, core competencies, and market adoption forces. And the product must deliver its promises, not only functioning well, but also providing pleasure in the interaction." Read More
Last week I wrote about how to know if your business will be successful or not (5 Sure-fire Ways To Know If Your Business Will Work Or Not). In one of the comments, Timothy mentioned the importance of bootstrapping a company so I wanted to dedicate this post to how to bootstrap - thanks for the suggestion Timothy! 20 Ways To Bootstrap Your Bu. Read More
Most of us view weekly staff meetings today with a degree of trepidation and frustration. Without clear expectations, two-way communication, and effective execution, they are too often a waste of time for all participants. Many have suggested that it is time re-engineer this process, or eliminate the meetings entirely Read More
There may be nothing more frustrating when you are trying to build a strong email marketing plan than to see your email promotions fall apart because of poor email deliverability. The formula of marketing is one that you should be able to believe in.

• you know you have a good product or service that customers will benefit from and that will bring you repeat business once customer relationships are found
• you know there is a market niche out there that are highly likely to patronize your busines Read More
Those using Facebook and Twitter to engage followers and fans can have a hard time learning who their fans really are. I've outlined some tips for converting fans and followers to actionable marketing leads. Read More
Entrepreneurs - you can make a great impact by starting up a green business. a mobile phones recycling business would be a good green business idea Read More
Brenden Mulligan recently sold his 4 year old company ArtistData to industry leader Sonicbids. Watch my video interview with him to learn how important the little victories are and having someone to celebrate them with Read More
"Marketing" is much maligned, but, when done correctly, is honorable and even welcome Read More

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