I grew up in New Jersey. I spent some time living in Staten Island. I heard about lots of guys that were connected. Never knew them personally, but when I heard “connected” I thought 2 things: Uh Oh, and Power. Let’s focus on power today Read More
Dashboards are great for helping to run and manage a business. But there are 2 problems with the process of implementing them to which most businesses fall victim. This article discussed these two problems along with a ten-step process to get the most from your "dashboarding" activities Read More
Blog auditing can be explained as an examination of all aspects of a blog to measure its effectiveness. It is a way of finding and fixing faults concerning your blog. .. Read More
This blog post responds to the claim in today's Wall St. Journal about the mindset of Team USA heading in to the World Cup Soccer tournament.

The article discusses how the mental approach to winning at the international level is more important than skill and talent and it all begins with the Vision and Strategy, one of the key tenets of creating a Champion Organization in athletics and business Read More
I learn a thing or two about Internet business life cycle that you might want to ponder upon if you want your webpreneurship career a long lasting one Read More
Sales 2.0 is a set of important tools, tactics, and strategies. But these tools do nothing to help a salesperson or a sales organization that isn’t already well-equipped with the skills and attributes that make up Sales 1.0 Read More
In business, one thing is certain: What worked 15 years ago won’t work today, and what works today will at some point in the future fall flat. Read More
We often get asked whether there are government grants available to start a small business. A recent story on the CBC National News profiled a B.C. entrepreneur who purchased a book sold by a private company that would supposedly contain all government grants available for his business. This $500 book contained inaccurate information and even descriptions of long discontinued programs. In short, the book was worthless Read More
For those of you considering going to college (or perhaps back to college), a degree in entrepreneurship may interest you. Although you clearly do not need a college degree to become an entrepreneur, it can give you a greater sense of security and confidence and is also a great place to network. For those of you who are interested, below is a list of the 10 best undergraduate entrepreneurship programs Read More
There. I said it. It does appear though, that I am correct….here, let’s look at this.

Everyone else in the world (least all the clicks I did on google’s myriad of sites) got the FIFA icon up top….as the World Cup launched their series of games today in SA…. Read More

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