This article offers some blogging advice for you to find a free blogging platform and keep it updated with a range of fresh content. Read More
For many 21st Century companies physical assets no longer hold the greatest Loss Value. This is especially true for Technology Companies, many of whom derive their entire Organizational worth from the data, information and intellectual property they control Read More
Here is some advice I got as a student. To make ends meet, I took a job selling wedding chest products.

My sales coach at the time told me. “Don’t try to sell products, show solutions to real problems And something practical that goes with that is a mattress test”

"What is a mattress test?" I quizzed and I got a lesson for life. Read More
Whether you are at an established company or at a startup the pressure on you as a marketer to deliver is immense. To make matters more challenging it is likely that your marketing budget has been cut. Every dollar you spend is questioned for ROI and in most meetings you are asked about developments in social networking, customer service and online reputation management because it is in the press and tantalizingly promises high return at low cost Read More
Does this sound familiar? You’ve opened your online business, stocked it with stellar products, and have unleashed great marketing campaigns to drive traffic. Only problem is your abandoned cart rate is too high while conversion rates are abysmal. I can see you pulling your hair out and screaming, “Why is this happening?”

The answer could be that your ecommerce site isn’t fully optimized to boost conversions. Despite all of your efforts, if you haven’t proactively built your site to address potential customer concerns, your online business could be missing out on easy sales. Read More
SlideShare is a great website that allows users to share relevant information. Here is as video that shows you how to use SlideShare to find information that you can use everyday Read More
Throughout the entire life cycle of your business one thing is constant – your business name. And this means getting it right, the first time.

Why? Consider this – assuming you optimize your Web site, post your business on local online listings, develop a social media strategy, and deliver a great service, your business name and all that it represents will go viral (and hopefully in a good way).

It’s also important that you take steps to protect your name against trademark infringement and register it with the right regulatory bodies for the purposes of taxation, incorporation, licenses, and permits.

Here are four tips to help you choose and manage your business name throughout the lifecycle of your business Read More
Closing The Deal: But what good is generating a bunch of leads if you can’t close the deal? Here is a selling lesson from Patti Harty from Stark & Associates Read More
Monday's post about Curing The Social Media Blues generated some wonderful comments. Unfortunately it also received a comment that was purely spam. There was no attempt from the commenter to even pretend he was participating in the discussion. The comment looked like this Read More
The right employee training made possible by holistic and optimistic employee training methods are geared towards employee training development and for the overall success of the company. Read More

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