Starting a non-profit organization is similar to starting any kind of business - together with commitment you need a clear objective, a niche (i.e. an original, unclaimed idea) and a communicable business plan to present to your donors.

You'll also need to understand how to structure your non-profit, what tax exemptions you may qualify for, as well as how you can obtain government grants.

Here is a basic checklist for how to start a non-profit organization Read More
Local employment system and the mutual exchange opens its doors to the public to exchange their prejudices to new opportunities our project Read More
Steve Jobs said Tuesday he doesn't know where the Gizmodo/iPhone prototype case "will end up" legally, and that AT&T is 'improving' its network. Read More
This blog post takes a look at a local, politically charged issue through the lens of the Theory of Constraints (TOC). It's an example of how TOC should be used to make rational decisions about adding resources. Read More
Few things grate on me more than hearing my fellow SEOs talk about how easy local SEO is. There’s less competition! The competition isn’t SEO savvy! Keyword choices are limited! It’s a piece of cake, they say. That’s about as accurate as me saying that traditional SEO is a piece of cake. Sweeping generalizations are often wrong, and this shows why local SEO isn’t as easy as many think it is. Read More
You hear all the time about how your business plan is a living document that you should revisit and update regularly but do you? Or do you wait until circumstances force your hand? Your trusty Journal Blogger has encountered a whole string of issues/challenges/problems over the last year that has her considering and reconsidering what her options might be. How about you Read More
There is so much rock and roll going on involving businesses running social media campaigns. However, there are not many social media rockstars. Their guitars vary. Some rock hard and some… not so hard. Some even have broken guitar strings. We don’t notice the size of their guitars though. What we notice is the kind of music they produce Read More
Story of a unique Small Business Startup in Virginia. Becky Harris and husband Scott start up a distillery making modern day moonshine. They discuss the challenges and growth of their business, Catoctin Creek Distillery Compan Read More
Social media marketing is evolving quickly and for your company to be successful you must understand the point of it. Much to the disappointment of company executives and sales representatives, social media marketing is about building a community, unlike traditional marketing where one of the main goals is to sell products and services. This most likely isn’t what you learned in school if you hold a marketing degree, but it’s a proven method Read More
Starting a business isn’t easy, but it can be rewarding. Being an entrepreneur means taking a lot of risks but it also has lots of potential benefits when things work out. So if you are on the fence still thinking about quitting your day job and starting out on your own here are six reasons to persuade you to make that move Read More

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