Learn about 30 ways that finalist companies for Winning Workplaces' 2010 Top Small Company Workplaces award assess the payoff of employee engagement strategies in terms of revenue and profitability Read More
For the launch of SAP Crystal Solutions, SAP has created a new Facebook App that analyzes your friend network. The analysis is presented in an easy to read dashboard that helps answer the questions “How valuable are your Facebook friends?” and possibly more importantly “Is your network more valuable than your friend’s network? Read More
Twitter can be an amazing tool for business owners. In order to properly leverage the power of Twitter, there are certain strategies that you can implement Read More
The United States has found itself in one of the worst economic downturns in it's history. Many have been affected, especially Small Businesses, the engine of the US economy. Across the country thousands of small businesses are finding it harder to get the credit necessary to stay in business Read More
I am not experienced as an entrepreneur. I started as a blogger and freelancer and only in couple of years I accumulated some budget solid enough to start a new project of my own Read More
This is a post with a video from Biz Sugar / SmallBizTrends founder Anita Campbell where she gives some practical tips on getting the attention of journalists so that they cover your business and also so you build up credibility with them Read More
Most SEO experts agree that there are 5 critical areas you must nail to really have a positive effect on your SEO, so here they are Read More
Good decisions come from disciplined thinking and are habit-forming. Each time that you make the right decision, you gain more self-confidence.. Read More
Are mass marketing, direct mail, and email marketing REALLY dead? Very few communications channels actually die off completely. And, if they do, it is a long, slow, and drawn out type of death… the kind we see in old Western Read More
Social media is effectively leveling the playing field between large corporations and small business. However, with millions of people on the same field, sometimes things can go wrong. For example, some overly zealous opportunists use social media to advertise their products or services as if it was Craig’s List. Other, well meaning (but misguided) “social media watch dogs” and “social media vigilantes” lurk online waiting to catch and report “spammers”. So, how can you get it right Read More

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